Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Dear Santa,

All I want to joyfully stuff my stockings: Abs/flat, quads/firm, gluts/tight, dermis/taut. Oh, and on a more selfless note: I really do NOT prefer large stockings; the smaller the better. I am an A/B kind of stocking stuffer - but that's a whole "nother" story!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Oh where is my beauty???

Well, finally!!
After weeks, I am posting. I have been deeply involved in school, newborns and more.

Lately, I have had my beloved Papaw on my mind. Last week was the anniversary of his death. A miserable lung cancer tried to take him. It was painful and literally shriveled him to a weak 65 or so lbs, before he went to 'SHINE" with our Lord. The two most powerful things he ever said to me, were just as his cancer was being discovered, and the days before his death. In life and in death, he had wisdom enough to impact a young girl into adulthood. That wisdom will now be shared with people as long as I can share it (most importantly now, with my own daughter.)

As a young teenager, Papaw was visiting our Tennessee home from Ohio. He complained of shoulder pain during that visit. I am sorry to say, I can't remember if his cancer was discovered right before, or just after that visit; but I have always associated his pain and this visit, with the beginning of his difficult journey. During that visit, my Papaw and I sat alone together on the couch one afternoon. Nothing much going on; we were just "hangin' out" Then, out of nowhere, Papaw said "Mary, you have always been a beautiful girl; but I want you to remember, that your real beauty comes from the inside." Nothing more was ever said on the subject, but I have never forgotten the impact of those words. I am convinced that the Lord used him that day, to minister to me and I want you to know why... I am, and have always been concerned about how I look. I never feel pretty, by my shape or appearance. I am self-conscious and feel inferior. How sad our Lord must feel by that - what a slap in His face that must be. I am ashamed to admit it, but I have to, because you need to know I am real and I have real "human" issues like the rest of the world. With this lack of esteem, I always have my Papaw's words close by. They have always pulled me back into "check" so to speak, until I could mature enough to seek the words from another father, my GOD!!! They were His words!! Trouble is, I wasn't reading His words, enough, so I believe with my whole heart that He used his faithful servant, my Papaw, to share them with me.

1Peter 3:3,4 NIV
"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit which is of great worth in God's sight."

On the days before his death, Papaw spoke alone with my cousin Lori and with me. He said we were his oldest two grandchildren, and it was up to us to set the example for the others. What example? God's example of course. We are in this world, not of this world; we are called to be set apart. Did I succeed in setting this example? NO! NO! NO! I really let him down on that one. Once again God use my grandpa. He gave me a very human and real example of a man asking his descendants to set a good example and do the right thing for goodness' sake. I have failed him miserably; I have failed my Lord God. These are His words. To be set apart. To lead by example.

Thank goodness we serve a Good and Loving God, full of incessant merciful forgiveness. Though I stumble through life always battling the flesh in one way or the other. He continues to think me special enough to get His message to me through His word. And, If I am not obedient enough to be in His word, He still lovingly sends me his message through his faithful servants - those with pure hearts through which His love and Word can flow. "Thank you, Papaw for being faithful to our Lord, and for your wisdom; and for your willingness to be used by God, to minister to me.:

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

After reading this story of a precious 13 year old girl, and her victorious climb out of the very grip of death. There is no doubt our God is in charge. He is a loving and caring God. He wants us to pull together. This is a story of how, even online He can move. Watch how this story evolved and how people started in family, church and online to create an actual web of God's love, and the Healing Blood of Christ Jesus to bind us all together. This story grew out of a hospital room to communities, states and internationally. God's people, whether they knew this child of Christ or not, called on the name of the Lord in FAITH and He listened. "where two or more are gathered...."

If you have invited the Lord into your heart, you welcome this story as testimony of His mercy and goodness. If you do not know the Lord, personnally, this will most certainly be encouraging to you; and we, all of his servants, invite you to join us in celebrating this victorious time.

As I write these words, my heart swells up and the tears flow; because I want so desparately for you to understand the magnitude of what is on my mind and in my heart and soul. I pray for every word written and ever eye that reads it now...that God uses it for his glory.

Love to all, Mare

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tuesday Table Talk Topic is - Flexibility

Alright here we go....strrreeetttccchhhh. Remember gym class or your yoga and stretching exercises it the fitness club. I always thought it was fun to see just how flexible I could be. Now we joke with our kids on how flexible we all are (funny as can be!) I have learned from cheerleading and fitness clubs, that the only real way to become more flexible is slow and steady stretching - and I mean very slow and really steady!

A while ago, I was working in a situation that taxed my flexibility in other areas. Plans would change not daily, but by the minute. Moods would vary, and emotions were raw. I came home nightly and worked my heart out and begged God for direction and relief. That was a wonderful chance for me to be more flexible and "go with the flow," as I often tell my children. My main problem with those situations was I am a rule follower, if rules change or are not followed, I am derailed.

More recently, I have been involved in some meetings where everyone was told that all have to be flexible. Yet I did not see all parties bending or stretching in any way. Then some others were being expected to literally bend over backwards to accommodate all the rest. That is a tough road to be on, but again, another terrific opportunity to stretch and gain steady flexibility; and true strength.

It is not easy to become flexible, it hurts. You are stretching to what seems to be beyond capacity. Let's look at parenting. To get there, one must be flexible...hellooo 7lbs through 10 cm.
I am realizing more each day, our lives are the same way. To seriously exist in an ever changing world and live with people from every background (and in all moods,) we have got to stretch ourselves, bend ourselves and become a little more flexible.

Perhaps we don't know what is going on with the other person or situation? Look at the attached video (They don't understand) from Sawyer Brown. Perhaps we can slow down stretch it out and become a little more flexible with each other. I sure want to try, what do you think?

I have a friend who had to carry a huge load of wood one time because no one else would be bothered. He asked not to do it, but said if it was his job he would. He was using every muscle he had to carry that wood. He was informed it was part of his job description and he must do the job, so he did what he had to do; and HE DID IT WITHOUT GRIPING AT EVERYONE MARY!!
If that weren't enough, the very people he was helping, were nasty and slanderous to him. Amazingly he did not try to get them fired or take them to court.

In the spirit of being flexible, He let them nail Him to the very wood he carried - and showed all of us the ultimate flexibility; as he was hanging, slow and steady stretching to the very max - even death. Did it hurt? Was the pain worth it? No pain no gain huh?

It is hard to be flexible and always be the one bending for the others. What is your story?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tuesday Table Talk Topic is - BREATHE

When your mother had you she was told to breathe. To concentrate on her breathing, and from that time on, it is our breath we must never forget. We have to breathe to live, to bring cleansing oxygen; and we are blessed to have the ability to breathe in the very essence of God, to know true intimacy with Him. How we must praise Him each day for "Breath." We are told when exercising to take a cleansing breath; we are told, when frustrated, to take a deep breath and relax.

I notice when I am most relaxed, I have very eased breathing and do not feel anxious. I know there times each day we need to stop and do some deep breathing exercises. We can catch our breath, relax and re-group.

Perhaps as we breathe through our pain, as we breath to relax, and breathe to live; we shall inhale Him right into our souls. I pray for us all to stop this minute and just...breathe. Give a few minutes - right now - back to the God who gave us breath this morning.

I do love Him; and I thank Him for this time to rest, and take in a breath of His holiness.

Love to all of you and keep sending in your Tuesday Talk Topics. Blessings for today, Mary

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tuesday Talks

Here we are again, talking it up on Tuesday? Wait is it Wednesday? That is how fast my days/weeks are flying. To continue with our talks last Tuesday; we were talking about going with the flow and unexpected changes in our plans. I am a planner and organizer, so I struggle when I have made detailed plans, and life throws me a curve ball. What takes me through these experiences are thoughts of my husband and children. My husband is a go with it and let life happen kind of guy. That is not to say he lets life happen to him. But he enjoys the ride he is on regardless of the unexpected turns ahead. My kids, more than anyone I know, can handle just about anything. We did not get to take a vacation this year, because of cut back with their Daddy's job. Though they talked of beaches and Disney; they were perfectly fine with the Summer Reading Program and local fun. In addition to that, we lost the fantastic demo my husband drove, and had storm damage to our home. These things brought no harm, only restrictions and inconvenience. We had to be home instead of the pool most days, to allow repairmen to work. We had to restrict areas of the house because of work and/or hazards. The kids took it as just another event in their lives. They have not one time complained about the proplems with the house; they simply relished the experiences we did have, on days we could go someplace together. That is how my kids spent their ENTIRE summer vacation. Getting up each day and waiting for workers to show up....or not. They just went with it regardless of how it might have imposed on their summer fun or any plans we might have previously made together. For those of you who don't have children, you know what I mean about planning things and it not working out as is really frustrating. Think like a kid and take each thing as an opportunity to stretch your imagination, and live with the unexpected surprises in our lives. Cling to Jesus...and to eachother sisters and brothers; and if you get a chance, hang out with a kid. They just kind of go with the flow and we can learn, like my husband somehow has, to live with life and relax. Have a great week, regardless of how it turns out. Love, M

Friday, August 7, 2009

What happened?

Well, as if you don't know now, Tuesday Talks got "pushed back." Many unexpected surprises this week. And we had to go with the flow. So that will be our subject to cover. We will continue into next Tuesday on how we can be flexible with unexpected circumstances...especially, when we know folks may be waiting on us. My kids have taught me this better than any college education or business workshop could. They are most resilient, and always have to just go with whatever life hands them. Whatever we do, whether planned or not, they usually manage to find the blessing in it, and for that i am eternally thankful and blessed.

I am a planner and scheduler; and before my marriage and motherhood, was very organized. Now, we have dust and crumbs and clutter much of the time. But the kids are healthy and happy. I struggle with unexpected detours; but over the years, my kids have shown me, through their own lives, how much of a blessing the detours can be. We will continue on this next Tuesday - and please forgive this unexpected delay for this week. Hope you all have a totally blessed and happy weekend. Love, Mary

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tuesday Talks

Good morning friends, we have well-checks this morning and then we will come back this afternoon with Tuesday Talks. Wonder what Tuesday's Table Talk Topic will be today?

Keep sending in your subjects/topics!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thursday's Thoughts

Do you recall the worst experience you've had in the last six months? What about the best? Are you able to share?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Table Talk - Tuesdays Topic

Hello it is our topic for this Tuesday's table talk.....tears. It's funny how I came to choose this topic. It's rainy here, and I used to tell my kids it was God's happy tears over how special His children are.

About mid-morning I was driving my kids to the dentist and I turned around to see what the kids were doing. As I turned I caught my 9 year old son with the sweetest and most innocent smile. Those are few and far between (the sweet and innocent part,) so I told him how sweet his smile was. He told me about a night at Jam Camp when a song was playing and everyone was crying and really feeling Jesus. He said as he was thinking back on that moment he was tearing up, and that is when I spotted him so he smiled. He said sometimes when he is really thinking on Jesus, he gets tears. If you know my boy, you know he does not spend much time sharing such things. He mostly told me there was no zip line this time, and he did not like the messy relays. But, believing in God's timing we left him alone about it, and I was rewarded with the gift of that smile and tear. That was my boy's inner reflection of an experience at camp and with his Lord. Perhaps I will believe our rain today is God's happy tears as He and my boy had a special experience this morning.

Other tears are not so welcome. I know there is great pain and sadness around, and in us today. I can say to you with every ounce of my heart and soul, that God sees your tears, and He is so very near. You may not feel Him or may feel abandoned, but be encouraged in knowing that after the rain, there is light and rainbows. If your world is dark today and your tear is not a happy one, cling with every energy you have to the hope and faith in your Holy God; and I am joining you now in prayer for His unfailing love and comfort to overwhelm you. I pray that your next tear will be a happy of reflection and a special experience with the God of us all, your Lord and Precious Savior

Please forward me your thoughts on happy or sad tears, and keep those topics coming for our Tuesday Talks. Love to you all, Mary

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tuesday Talks

Alright friends, I have been thinking about something interactive that you can all participate in . I think this will be it. Table Talks on Tuesday, on Topics that interest YOU. You can all submit subjects that you would like to discuss. We will open each week a new topic and round table it. You know you're excited!!!

Please send all questions comments and concerns in this week and we will begin our table talks next Tuesday. I cannot wait to see what is on everyone's mind, and how we can join together and share.

Please do not send anything that you know is distasteful, and we will all play nice together.

Okay, let's go! mary

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hey guys,

Check out this post. This is a great site for messages from Ken Abraham; a remarkable author, gifted speaker and all around nice guy!! I don't typically watch speakers via video, or television, but Ken is positively captivating and very, very real. Enjoy!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Faith and Deeds from the book of James

James 2
Faith and Deeds

"What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? ...."

I love this passage, and am drawn closer to it since recently writing about salvation. I make a point to say our lives actually begin after salvation. I sat on my salvation, rather than take the new life and grow with it!! For a time after planting, yet a while before harvesting....perhaps we can grow and seek and prepare for our works and deeds. Will these works and deeds save us and get us to heaven? No, there is only one way through Jesus our precious Savior. But I tell you, that as I spent so many years with my faith and doing absolutely nothing with it, I may as well have been in a coma. I had life, or did I? There was no evidence of it.

"...Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead........"

Zero activity in a new life must be one of the saddest things to our God. For we know the truth, and choose not to feast on as much as we possibly can, to grow and work in the Kingdom of God. What better testimony is there? If I call myself a christian, yet I do nothing to grow, serve and honor God; what must the unsaved think? They may think what is the difference between their lives and mine. But if I take my salvation and feed on the word of God, seek His face and serve others with love; perhaps others might desire this life that is set apart by Christ.

"...But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds." Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do. You believe that there is one God, Good! Even the demons believe that ---and shudder. You foolish man, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless? Was not our ancestor Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did. And the scripture was fulfilled that says, "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness, and he was called God's friend. You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone....."

One way to make a better name for Christianity is to show myself as a workman approved by God, and do unto others; and take care of the widows and children and so on and so on. God did not give me life and light to stay inside myself unchanged. God wants my life to be abundantly full so that I might shine brightly for him and serve others...for I know every person, saved and unsaved, is a child of God. It is my privilege to show the unsaved how differently their lives "and future" will most certainly be with the unfailing belief in Jesus as their savior. My actions are evidence and testimony to my belief - and closing argument to the jury of unbelievers.

"..In the same way, was not even Rahab the prostitute considered righteous for what she did when she gave lodging to the spies and sent them off in a different direction? As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead..."

My faith is made complete, by my life transformed and ever growing in God's kingdom. My journey with God is personal - but evident in my actions, words and deeds. What should I be "doing" with my faith now? A lot more than I do, that's for sure. But, thank goodness we all have a loving and merciful God beside us as we grow.

Love to all, Mary

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Well, Father's Day weekend was great. We did blindfold dear daddy until we got past the interstate signs, and said he could take it off. He removed it right in front of a giant billboard that totally gave away our destination! Too funny. He was really excited, and we had a blast with my parents. He helped my Daddy move out of his home office, and enjoyed "the Mimi's" great cooking.

We came home, as always, more loaded that we left as she cleared away and gave away. I told my own Father I was so tickled to come stay in his house, eat out of his refrigerator, let him take care of my kids and buy us brunch. Don't forget I packed the car full of their personal belongings. We joked that I just had to keep him ever mindful that he is a Dad, haha.

Finally, as if that weren't enough, their friend sent my daughter and me some clothes to go through; and their wonderful neighbor had set out some plants for me to take. I told them it will one day come a time, when the neighbors will see us coming, and they will lock the doors and pull the blinds!

I do hope the weekend was terrific for all. And, please remember that no matter what your relationship with your dad; you have a Heavenly Father who loves you, and would do anything for you....actually, He did.

Blessings for now, M

Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday Fun

Hey everyone! You wouldn't believe what we are doing today. The kids and I have somehow managed to keep this secret from their Daddy! We are cleaning up now, and packing to surprise him, with a weekend trip, for Father's Day. The fun (or funny) part is we are going to visit my parents for the trip. Now, I ask you, what man would not want to spend his Father's day with his in-laws? It has to be the sweetest thing we could do...right?

My parents laughed because it's unusual for a man to think a surprise trip, to visit his wife's parents, would be delightful. I promise you though, my husband adores my parents, and loves my father like his own. It is a special feeling, that I do not take lightly, to have my husband love my parents like he does; and you might not believe it, but he will honestly be thrilled when he finds out where we are going. Don't tell my parents, but I think he will be thrilled if I take him anywhere, to get away right now.

Now to pull of the surprise. With 10, 9 and 5 year old children, this is monumental. They are about to explode, and have done everything but him a picture of the house. Now that he has returned to work from lunch, we are busy packing and will have to load the car ourselves. We plan on telling him we want to take him on an evening picnic and have the car loaded. The kids want to blindfold him until we get past any freeway signs, to keep him guessing. I can't wait to see how it goes, and will be sure to post you when we get home. I will also try to give you my personal thoughts about my own father then.

Meanwhile, please send your father's day plans, thoughts about your own dads and the dads of your children. We do not all have "dreamy" tales about fatherhood; then others of us have miracles to tell. The important thing now is to share as we all approach this day together. I can't wait to hear from everyone!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesday Time with the Kids

Hey friends, we have had the best day. I am not tickled about the state of the house, or the fact that I almost forgot to put the wet towels in the dryer; but I spent some time with the kids, and we are all better for it.

We did not do fantastic things. We took a trip to sign up for summer reading at the library; then off to the park to have lunch with daddy, and let the kids play. It seems I am always saying ssshhhh, or wait until I get this finished, or go do your chores. The world is not better for that. However, my world, and theirs, is a lot better when I remind myself to stop being "busy" to really get into them.

My almost nine year old boy was thrilled to pull off some sort of hanging swinging jumping thing, and really wanted me to watch. My first thought was... wait until I go through the mail. But something made me stop, and look, and not take my eyes off of him. He was so excited to see me when he finished for the thumbs up and my joy. Guess what? The mail was right there waiting when he did not go anywhere!!!

A little while later, I saw my daughter swinging; she was the only person on the swings. Although, I was reading something important, something stopped me. I walked my happy self right over to her and started swinging beside her. Before long we were in a contest for who could go highest. I don't really know who won, and don't care. I am positive my swing was squeaking louder (which is one contest I would have preferred not to win.) Before I realized it, we were there two hours. I typically tell them play; and as I finish any work I might have with me, I hurry them up to go. We must get caught up at home. You won't believe this, but the house was right here waiting when we got home. The dishes and laundrey did not go anywhere. My kids are happy, hot and asking for showers! I am refreshed and will probably get more done now, than I would have in the first place. I sometimes realize if I stop and spend some "real" time with them, they manage better when I am busy later. If I am always being busy (doing who knows what,) they are antsy to have some mom time. In these cases, they will interrupt me a thousand times; and it takes me much longer to get anything accomplished.

The bottom line for me, is that the work and busy things will be there for the rest of my life!! But, you know what? My kids will only be kids for a minute; and before long they will be have their very own busy lives. I want today, to work on being a better mom instead of so busy with stuff. That will be my prayer...thanks for my Tuesday time with the kids, and please help me to not be so busy, that I miss special moments of greatness with them.

See you soon...M

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tuesday's Trials

I cannot believe the stress I have had today. I wonder if it is self-inflicted, or a certain enemy of mine. We have questions right now, regarding our house repairs (due to Good friday storms,) neighbor concerns over what we thought were random acts of kindness - gone terribly wrong, financial nightmare....and now questions about my decisions to take early summer leave, from work. The really good news is that we had a recent sermon from church, A Pentecost message: to hold us up. All relevant to Romans chapter 5 verses 1,2 and 5. Where's 3 and 4 you say? we are in it. We may not all be in it all of the time; but we are certainly all of us in it some of the time; and we forget it is just growing pains, and we can count it all joy. Oh how hard that is. I refer to this in a recent book I've written, in a chapter called Growing Pains. My point is Salvation is a beautiful thing; but life is not always beautiful. We are guaranteed to struggle some. Sometimes those struggles are simply reaping what we have sown ourselves; and others are those struggles that seem to come from out of nowhere. But, dear friends, there is not one thing that God Almighty does not allow to come your way. He knows you and your strength,;and honors us all with challenges, He alone knows we will be able to handle. For that reason alone, I can count it all joy. I do not love having troubles, or being stressed out around my kids. But my Lord occupied my kids, with little projects, while I was at my weakest moment this morning; and for that I am truly blessed. Now, if I can just think before I yell at them, for dropping the WHOLE toilet paper roll in the potty, we'll all be good right? Perhaps Mommy should have put it where it belonged in the first place hhmmmm???? Talk to you soon.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tween Time on Tuesday

It is Tuesday and the second full day of camp for my almost 9 and 10 year old kids. My mind is so scrambled full of thoughts on them. Letting them grow up yet, realizing what it means when mothers say they'll always be our babies. I know, better than I have ever known anything, that I was supposed to be this wife and mama.
Oh, my Dear Heavenly Father, how deeply honored I am that you chose me to care for these children of yours. I am so thankful you waited until I was spiritually prepared to be a parent, so that I would understand how very important it was to dedicate them right back to you. Just as we are called to tithe the first of the riches you give us, so must our first parental decision, concerning our child's future, be to give him back to you. Thank you for filling their lives so wonderfully!!
Meanwhile, childhood is fading and teen years will approach for my oldest two. And, while they are away this week, I know this is part of that first dedication when they were newborns. If I don't let the leadership of our own church participate in the spiritual future of my children, how in the world can I let them grow and learn. My job as their mom is to nurture and protect and give them every tool they need that God has for them. How dare I not let them practice and learn in such a nurturing environment. If I give them a bike, they practice with a helmet in a safe controlled area; then we venture out in larger more exciting (dangerous) areas. Church camp (Jambilee) to me, is that protected area for my tweens to begin a process. A process of being themselves, away from mom and dad, and still guided my men and women of God (forget the apron strings for I even hesitate to cut the cord!) However, where they are today, they are still being fed; and I am comforted in knowing they have their helmets. For we have taught them the armor of God. Let them spread their wings and feel their independence a little. This will be their time to know they will always be alright with Jesus in their hearts. Since birth, the cord has changed ,and they have been growing now, upon their Holy Father's beautiful vine. It is my duty and priviledge to allow God to do His work in them. I have to now know when to step aside and let Him move in them and through them.

I realize more each year that, with or without mama, they will know fullness of Joy; as long as they have the Lord in their hearts.

I touched on this last year when my daughter went away for the first time. Now my daughter and oldest son are gone; and I have to say again, the experience for them, impacts me very deeply. I feel at the very core of my soul, the spiritual significance of them having worship experiences away from church or home. They can explore new things and experience God and his magnificence, in a way that will be their very own. All of their spirituality is based on what their daddy and I have insisted on. However, I seriously doubt we can dictate how intimate and beautiful their relationship with God will be. I thank and praise the Almighty Lord for this understanding; and I pray, that each year, they will grow more deeply upon their Father's vine as they separate from mine...but - they will always be my babies!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Good Morning Monday

Good Morning our LORD! I know you in heaven, and I feel you deeply in my heart. I pray today for Your world; that Your Will is done, and Your purpose filled within. I am excited to be with You in Heaven; but for now I pray to let Your light shine, through me, to all.

I am giving you this day, my every thought and deed. Whether today is a good day or a bad day, it will only be right if I commit it to You. Please take care of everything and everyone for me; for, as much as I often try, I cannot do it myself.

Help me Father, to forgive people when I feel wronged. I know you forgive me every minute as I stumble through each day. Please help me to be as merciful!! I make mistakes all day long, and am tempted in all areas of my spiritual weaknesses. Keep these temptations at bay, far far away; so I can be a good girl today. Lord Yours is the only world, the only Heaven, the only power and glory of all. Thank YOU, Thank YOU, Thank YOU, amen.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thursday's Thoughts

As I am sitting here today, I am thinking about my responsibility, not only as a mom and wife, but as a person. I have an enormous responsibility as a child of God. As a matter of fact, that is my primary responsibility. I am thinking that, if I am responsible and honest as a Christian (and in my relationship with God,) then my responsibilities as a wife and mother will naturally be appropriate.

My recent concerns are about being so focused on sharing my "Christianity," that I am ineffective as a wife and mom. I think this would be counterproductive and wrong, quite frankly. I believe with my whole heart that there is a balance. However loving God and serving Him, are quite different than going though life under the veil of religion. The balance, I believe, is complete devotion to God and his purpose. He will take care of my needs, and He will guide my path to care for my husband, children and home exactly according to His will.