Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Things that go BUMP!

I know several of you heard about my adventure yesterday morning, so I decided to share it with the rest of you.  It is funny to everyone, including myself.  However, I saw as the day progressed, how Satan (the coy manipulator) can use fear to lure us into yet more tangled webs he weaves. 

Most of you know I drive a carpool in the mornings.  Yesterday, was off to a great start when I got everyone to school on time, and was back home by 7:45.   I opened the garage and started into the basement (we go into the house from below and go up the stairs to the main level.)  While I was downstairs, I thought I would tidy up; and started hearing familiar noises that spook me.  I am always a little freaked out about being down there alone, because I hear noises from the attic and hvac etc.  I always force myself to head on upstairs.  Of course, nothing is ever wrong.  But,  yesterday...the noises were different.  I tried to hear, then tried to make noise (for a reaction.)

Finally, I just headed my nervous hiney up the steps; I rounded the first landing and "CRASH" in the laundry room. 

Well, let me tell you, Sister was out the door, barefoot with keys and purse!  I jumped in the car and took off.  Where to go where to go!!  I pulled to the top of the driveway and stopped to see if the front door was opened or windows looked different...nothing.  I pulled down the street and turned to the circle that goes behind my house.  I'm hoping I can see the back of the house to look at the doors out back.  A friend lives back there, and she would be back any minute from taking her own children to school.  She'll let me peer through her back yard.  Oh WHY is this the one week my husband has to work an hour away?  That didn't stop me, oh no!  I called that man, and said how bad I need him.  I'm afraid someone might be in the house and he needs to come home to me noowww!! Naturally, he freaked out and told me to call the police he would never make it to me in time!


Back to the circle:  I finally get the nerve to call the police and tell dispatch I don't know for sure if anyone is in there or not; would they like me to go in, and if anything is wrong call them back??  Dispatcher said let them just send a car and someone can go in and check the house before I go back in.  So, I waited at the top of the driveway until the car came.  I called my husband and told him an officer was on his way, and shared with him about walking in on a robbery once and all those feelings came flooding back.  Meanwhile, a police car appears....and another....  I get out of the car barefoot, sweats, tshirt, ponytail and tears.  (oh, please please did I or didn't I brush my teeth???)

 The officers headed in the house and started checking it out.  While they are in there, a third car comes and this officer comes to me.  Now, I'm hysterical...something IS in there and he's coming for backup!!!  (Or, could it be, they saw the state of the house and the kids' rooms; and were as convinced as I, that something catastrophic has occurred??)  He goes in with the others.  I wait nervously outside as the three of them emerge.  "It looks all clear ma'am."    Oh my word, you mean it's alright??  Are the doors locked??  They go in with me, and I was actually impressed that they found all the doors to every room, closet, storage space etc.  They even said "a person could really get lost in here."  Okay, possible home invasion avoided..WHEW!

 I nervously settle into my morning (after I find out where to send the Nervous Nelly cookie platter.)  About five minutes later, the doorbell rings and a bang at the door.  Perhaps the officers need a report.  When I get to the door NO ONE...I'm freaking out again......!

My neighbor has returned home and messaged me...what was going on, her neighbor called her and saw some stuff.  I told her what was going on, and about the mysterious knock on the door.  She kindly offered to come sit with me - OR- should they call back the police; because a suspicious van was moving around the circle, and a lady staring around her house.  Perhaps that lady is waiting on whoever is messing with my house...

NO I told her...I was the suspect in the getaway car/van...I was getting away from here!!!  I was on the "lookout" for her to come home.  Unfortunately, I had no idea, another neighbor was rocking on her front porch the entire time and sees the whole show! She is the one who called my friend.  And finally, by mid afternoon, I find out the mysterious knock on the door was another concerned neighbor who had rushed over to check on me.  My husband is in hysterics now, and has entertained his entire team with my phone calls of insanity.  What started out as certain disaster has become a comedy sketch for everyone. 

Well, our God is not a God of fear is he?  Perhaps, if I had called on the name of the Lord, instead of man; all the nonsense of the day could have been avoided eh?  I also realized, all things can play into Satan's plans if we fall for the little bumps and noises.  Perhaps his tricks will lead to treats...I told my husband that night that I had been on edge all day and it would have been a good day to have a "drink" to settle me down....hmmm?  I'm seeing where this is going now.   I spent much of my day thinking about how horribly I was dressed and how messy the house was.  Yet, little did I know that not only was I under dressed and sloppy; I was not dressed in the armor and my behavior was foolish.  That could have led to problems far worse than a robbed house.  Satan was robbing my peace.  Thank goodness we can all have a good laugh now, and I am safe in the comfort of my own home, with caring neighbors and God's amazing hedge of protection on me.


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