Monday, June 2, 2014

Imprint on our Hearts

Revelation 7:15-17
15 Therefore, "they are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will spread his tent over them. 16 Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat. 17 For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes." 

There was a great healing that took place overnight!  Our Aunt Gerri has no more cancer and is crowned with Glory!  She is Alive!  Alive and with the living Christ.  What glory must she see and feel?  How beautiful are the gates and golden streets?  We praise the Lord God Almighty, who had mercy on her and decided she was sick long enough.  We thank Him for waiting on her family to be by her side.  What a delicate time of togetherness they shared in her last hours.

Aunt Gerri is my father's sister.  I don't think she was ever without a smile or laughter.  She has just spent the last five years battling cancer, and still had no concern for herself.  She devoted herself to the joys and lives of her family.  How deeply she loved her daughter and son.  They, and her husband, were her world!  Then they had children and grandchildren.  She, my sweet Aunt was right there alongside them all.  Her life was about joy; joy of the Lord and joy to the world!

Gerri traveled to celebrate my marriage with her daughter, and her identical twin sister.  My husband never forgot them!  He thought he hugged someone twice because they were separated in the line.  That was the beginning of her impact on him and our family.  We had great fun and laughter that day.  She accepted us all as we were and are.  She loves through our faults and inspires us to be more joyful and to give more.  Our eldest child, Hannah was inspired when Aunt Gerri lost her hair.  Hannah had given her hair to Locks of Love when she was old enough.  She then decided to grow it long and not do short hair again.  Then she met her GREAT Aunt Gerri.  That smile, laughter and the ultimate fun surrounded us all.  Gerri's hair had gone from the cruelty of her cancer.  She did not fret, for there are hats and wigs.  During one of our visits, it was hot and the wig was itchy.  She asked if the children would be alright if she took it off.  That was one of our final visits her, and the impression will last forever.  In her pain, sickness and discomfort; she was still more concerned about how my babies would react than her own comfort??  I could learn a thing or two there.  Months later, we were preparing for the new school year with hair cuts and dental visits (fun huh?)  Our daughter said she wants to reconsider her donations to locks of love.  I was concerned she was making a hasty decision, so I asked her to think hard about it.  She said, "I have since I got to see Aunt Gerri."  She wasn't full of frilly words, but said the strength and joy of her Great Aunt made her rethink and she wants to continue her donations.  Because of our Aunt Gerri, my daughter has grown her hair to cut for Locks of Love, her entire life.  She will be 15 next week. 

Why did I share such a story?  Because Gerri's legacy is everywhere!  She loves completely, as do her children and grandchildren.  Even extended family and in-laws are inspired to be happier, love more and give of themselves, because of moments with the beautiful smile and joyful laughter Gerri shared.  Today she is mourned and many are saddened, because of the indescribable void her absence will leave.  But not one single person who met her, can think of her without feeling - just -good.  She made people feel good.

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