Monday, May 19, 2014

Titus 2:5 (I hope to get better.)

To be self-controlled, pure, working at home,
kind, and submissive to their own husbands,
that the word of God may not be reviled.
Titus 2:5

My devoted husband,

Sitting on the couch all by myself, I cannot help but wonder how it all happened; our amazing life, I mean. I keep thinking about all the good times that we spent all the happy moments, and how we overcome each obstacle.
My darling, we have forever been as one in all aspects of our lives.   I would not be completely open, if I did not let you know that I am better because of you. Perhaps, in His perfection, that is why our Father joined us.  Perhaps that is even more reason, I should always be mindful of my place in our marriage - as your submissive and nurturing wife.  I want you to know that I acknowledge and understand how vast my influence is, when it comes to the inspiration and joy our family feels.  A wife and mother can encourage and inspire, and promote joyful feelings of gratitude and love toward God and each other. 
Now that I have gone through the charm of your love, I am reminded how amazing my admiration and loving support means to you.  I am regretful when I cause you stress or pain; and I ask that you forgive me.  I also feel I should admit this to you.  I feel in my heart that, regardless of rights or wrong done to you or your family by anyone, I believe it is my responsibility to rise above it. No matter my knowledge about things or concerns for others, my ultimate charge is to be loving and supportive to you!  I must not be a "right" fighter for the sake of others.  I can do more harm than good.  I want to be your safe place and our home to be your refuge.  I want you to feel peace, respect and complete comfort in my arms and our family.  I thank you for that knowledge and understanding.  What is even more amazing and beautiful?  You did not teach me or tell me.  I see something beautiful in you; and learn, by the Grace of God, through you.  I love you for that. 
I adore you and cannot ever give back what you have so selflessly created in our family. I am so inspired to be a better person because of you.  I pray to God that I will strive daily to be more.  More loving, faithful and submissive.  More attentive and beautiful.  More encouraging and uplifting; and to be the core of a loving and fruitful family.  Thank you, my love for really marrying me and meaning it.  I still cannot believe it actually happened. 
With my complete soul, I am yours forever

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