Friday, August 3, 2012

The Change

The Next Step – Life after Salvation
Chapter Two


I've been going through the change for about 30 years now. If anything stands out to me about the previous chapter, it is that I wasn't really transformed (changed) all at once. I wasn't even changed all that much with each of my “life-changing” experiences. I never had one completely supernatural experience that caused my life to be immediately transformed and turned around. Was I really saved? I believe I was. Was I changed? Yes. Were those changes evident in my life? Not much, especially not all at once. My experience was different than yours, and your experience will be different from your brother's. I hope to be able to encourage you with this, because so many times I would hear testimony of someone who had this life altering experience that changed them in that instant. From that point on, that person was never the same. Since that was not my experience, I later questioned my legitimate salvation. That is a debate for believers all over the world; and one I choose not to approach now. Why?? I still want you to like me ha ha. People have argued this subject from decade to decade and faith to faith. Just believe in the Lord your God, Jesus Christ. Believe he died for your sins so that you may be joined with our Father in eternity. You will see how our salvation and the “change” that accompanies it will go together. The change won't be your salvation, but evidence you truly want to serve the God who saved you.

Moving on...during those first years after my salvation, I was not really changing or all that concerned about it. I had not really studied the bible or ventured into too many ways of the world, or religion. My personal experiences with religion were limited to a couple of churches I went to as a child, and I was simply not mature or disciplined in the written or living word of God. My changes were gradual like I was growing. Two things stood out, however. First I only grew when I was worshiping, praying or studying the word of the LORD. That is why, for me, I didn't see great change. I wasn't committed to that which would cause me to grow spiritually. I dare say though, whether I was growing spiritually or not, from the point of my salvation I was definitely different. From that moment on, I was certainly aware of God! I was aware of His presence!! I could talk to Him and pray to Him and be confident in His salvation.

Because I was not spiritually mature, I ventured into the ways of the world as a young adult. That's alright – please! We are supposed to change with the times right? We are supposed to get along with everyone and not be judgmental or haters right? The “ways of the world” are all relevant (I've heard that one repeatedly!) Besides that it was fun not being so restricted, and just going along...easy breezy!! Hmmm....

Had I done what was necessary to grow and strengthen in the ways of the Lord, I dare say I might have been a much more respectable and productive adult member of society. When I became an adult, I was able to be on my own and take care of myself (though my parents might beg to differ HA!) Funny thing when we become adults; we think we can do and say and act as we please, then proclaim it as our right because...”I am an ADULT!” Guess what, you might reconsider, as I did much too late, that your lack of responsibility with those actions and words of yours; they may very well tell a much different story. Ever hear the phrase “actions speak louder than words?” Or, how about “your life is your testimony.”

Well, as much as I acted like I knew it all and could do it all, I could hardly be considered a grown-up at all!! When we are born in the flesh as tiny babies, we don't stay tiny. We grow and walk and talk and become more mature with every passing year of our human lives. Just as birth in the flesh, so must our born again lives grow. We have to study and hunger after the word of God and all of His truths, so we can go forth and tell the world the good news about Jesus. Isn't that what he told us to do? How can we go tell if we don't learn about what it is we are telling in the first place? As a baby hungers after his mother's milk, so should we hunger after fulfillment in God. That is only achieved through prayer, worship and study. Let me make this absolutely clear to all who read these words...I am in no way saying you can have salvation experience and continue back to your life as though nothing ever happened, and live the way you always lived, then make no attempt to serve the Lord and be consider yourself ready to be ushered into heaven. People have debated over and over again if you can “lose” your salvation if you keep on sinning and make no attempt to change your ways after your supposed salvation. I want to give these words for you to ponder. If you don't feel any different, and don't change your ways, did you really and truly give your heart to the Lord as you think you did? Were you really saved in the first place? Let's look at it this way. One of the most referred to passages in the bible on salvation is John 3:16 “for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life (NIV Student Bible.) Verses 17 and 18 refer again to the necessary belief to not be condemned. Verse 19, though is telling if we study it in its entirety with the chapter; and may put to rest the debate of once saved always saved...John 3:19 “This is the verdict Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.” Verse 20...”Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. Verse 22 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done, has been done through God. These words are scripture, not commentary or theology. If we do evil, we live in darkness and hate the light. If Jesus said I am the truth and the light, how can we believe in Jesus and his salvation, yet hate the light. I personally believe it a matter of the heart. I have always known I had a heart for the Lord and I always somehow knew HE was near – saving me from tragedy and waiting on me to acknowledge Him as my truest Love. He proved Himself over and over to me. And, as I slowly grew, I would see more and more of his power and love. It is just like that newborn's growth. That newborn does not see all of his father's love at once. But, as the child matures, his father's love is evident in every aspect of that precious child's life. In our physical bodies, God miraculously made us to naturally grow in stages, with milk – then solid food – and later with responsibility and privilege. As we are born again in the spirit, we are responsible to feed on the word of God so we will grow and mature into responsible Christians; who are the most privileged in the world with a Living Guide into the Kingdom of Heaven. Hebrews 5:13-14 “Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish God from evil.” NIV Student Bible. Had I been more diligent in studying God's word; Had I been more faithful in worship and a more submissive servant, I might not have grown up thinking I knew everything along with my “holy pass.” I also would have been more prepared for the ways of the world, and certainly better armed.. “Therefore, let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God.” Hebrews 6:1 NIV Student Bible.

Another way to see our need to change and grow in the ways of the Lord is to study the 12 disciples. After Jesus chose his disciples, he spent many years traveling with them and teaching with them; all the while training them as they went. Their jobs were to be disciples of Christ. To be a disciple is to be a learner and to be an imitator of your teacher. Jesus taught while performing miracles, and with parables as He traveled with his followers. He prepared his disciples for the day they would be without him. When Jesus was crucified and ascended into heaven, he left behind his disciples, or the apostles whom he empowered, to spread His good news and to minister with full authority and accountability to God. Those twelve, and all of us who believe, could never share the gospel of Christ if not prepared. That preparation takes a discipleship in learning and imitating Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Now, where do we start when we have discovered life as a Christian doesn't stop at the alter of salvation or even with our baptism? We start with the Handbook. When we get a new car or appliance, we pour over the handbook to understand our new item. We excitedly want to know every detail of our gadget; how does it work, what are the functions; how can we use it to its fullest potential. We often go over the handbook several times to understand the details, how to troubleshoot and how to manage the daily use and maintenance. Well, our God is so understanding of our need for instructions, that He gave us our very own Handbook so we might understand how He created us all and how He works and how we can co-exist with Him as his followers and servants. Something else I realized as I was so very slowly growing, was the more I studied my bible, the more I understood God's big picture; and the more I understood what He expects of me as his child. I also found that the more we seek Him through worship, prayer and study; the more He reveals Himself to us. He desires to have an intimate relationship with us. Picture a precious sweet smelling tiny newborn in your arms. As I held each of my newborn babies – Oh my goodness!!! I couldn't get enough of their smell or skin. I wanted to nuzzle them in my neck and face until I could hardly breath. The desire I had to touch and smell and protect my babies consumed me and it consumes me even today. Now, if we have that much of an overpowering desire and love for our own tiny children; how much more can you imagine our God's desire to love and care for us!! I want to be consumed completely with the things and desires of the LORD and my personal desire, through this book is that I will grow closer to Him; and I want very much for you to be alongside me during the journey. We can all take footsteps together. After all, YOU are my brother and YOU are my sister. We are all his children and he loves us all so deeply. I know he wants us to love each other. So, won't you please hold my hand as we, together, reach for His??

As God reveals himself to us through the written word in our Holy Bibles our handbook. He will very specifically give us our history, HIS story. He will give us His plan, and He will show us how to achieve that plan. As we read, we will understand more and begin the change. We will want to surround ourselves with His people and congregate together. To encourage each other and to empower each other. This does not mean we are to only associate ourselves with our “own kind” so to speak. But with each others prayers and encouragement and empowerment, we will have the strength to go out into the world and spread God's unconditional love with kindness and generosity to everyone we meet. I promise you that you will have bad days, and I promise you that you will reap what you have sown. But the good news is that the God of All created you and loves you and He will be there to support you and carry you along each journey. Our God will never ever forsake you because He is the one who created you and He is the one who desires you. Yes, He lets you experience pain, but with that pain comes growth and we know growing pains will give us renewed strength and better understanding each step of the way.

There is something that will happen during our change – we will see and understand things differently, such as the importance or prayer and fasting. Also, I am convinced you will have a completely different understanding on the the controversial issues that surround tithes and offerings. You will desire to do more than simply visit Sunday morning worship for some feel good energy; simply to return home and nap, only to prepare for the next grueling week ahead. You will desire to go on to Sunday school and get more in depth in your study of Gods word. You will begin looking for midweek bible studies to explore more and more in Gods beautiful kingdom and just how wonderfully he made you to be part of his immaculate plan. You will desire, as I do now, a transformation. You will want “the Change.”

There is a warning I delicately want to give you. Be careful how you choose your study partners and the version of your choice of God's written word. I only recently discovered that one of the bibles I personally read is not a translation of the written word, but an interpretation of it. Now, I am fortunate because this book is pretty much right on with other versions and translations I have. However Satan wants very much to seduce us and deceive us in any way he can and the more we seek God, the madder that silly devil gets. He will stop at nothing to confuse us and discourage us. He will lead us to commentaries and interpretations of the Bible and let us believe we are being guided by the Hand of God to a particular book, or place of study; just to throw confusion and misguided information our way. This will send us off of the path God intends for us. I hear your question even as you are thinking it (no I don't have some secret powers, but I've been there over and over. How do we tell we are getting the information God intends for us, if there is so much out there and how do we protect ourselves from false teachings? Let me assure you that you are not alone. The bible warns of false teachings so as we use our handbook for guidance, we understand to be careful. We have to seek God and His will for us through prayer and study. With prayer and study, and wise council, we will gain a personal spirit of discernment to know what teachings to follow and where to steer clear. Basically, if we are using the written word of God through one of the many translations out there we can be sure we are studying His word, and will be in His will.. Make sure your teachers and council use the word of God as their textbook. Of course other books of inspiration are wonderful testimony to the experiences and guides to life as a Christian, otherwise I would be wasting my time writing to you now. But always always stand firm on the Holy written word of God Almighty as your foundation. If other tings you read and hear stem from that foundation, you will be uplifted. If on the other hand, those teachings and readings seem to contradict God's word in the Holy Bible, then you might rethink your steps and seek out some wise council on what you are hearing and reading. 2Timothy 3:16-17 NIV All scripture is god-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of god may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

I think I will just take this one step further. Be careful what you read and watch and hear. Regardless of its message, it is going into your body, mind and soul. Remember the saying you are what you eat? Well you can become what you are filling your mind with – the things you read see and hear. Our children have a wonderful song that so very simply says be careful little minds what you think, be careful little ears what you hear, be careful little eyes what you see, be careful little mouths what you say, be careful little feet where you go you are what o be careful little hands what you do, for the father up above, is looking down with love so be careful, be careful, be careful!!!!

Now, let's get on with the Change! With change you basically expect several new feelings. Some will be wonderful revelations of hope and joy and will be encouragement in your walk with Christ. Some feelings will be confusion with experiences and those things you are familiar with those experiences you hang onto and those habits you have developed over a period of time. The Change will not happen over night. Don't expect to be transformed immediately Remember you have to go through the handbook to reveal even what newness of life you are encountering. Remember it is a new birth and you will have to grow in your Christianity as you grew in the flesh. You will experience some growing pains and some falls, and even possibly some fallback into your old ways. Do not be discouraged. Simply keep on keeping on and surround yourself with God's people who have already gone through the change because they will help you see that you are not the only person in the history of the world having difficulty with your change.

Have you ever heard of the salvation beads? I did a devotion with my daughter earlier this year. Our Sunday class was serving at the Room at the Inn and we did the devotion with the beads./ Each person received a bracelet with the colors of salvation and one of the colors was green. Do you wonder what that means? Green reminds us of growing grass and leaves on trees. When we see green we think of growing things. After salvation, we can grow as Christians. We are born again. When we were born in the flesh we were tiny babies, but we did not stay tiny at all. We grew to walk and talk and become mature with each passing year of our human lives. Just as birth in the flesh, so much our born again lives grow. We have to study and hunger after the word of God and all of His truths, so we can go forth and tell the world the good news about Jesus Christ. Isn't that what he told us to do? How can we go tell, if we don't learn about what it is we are telling in the first place? As a baby hungers after his mother's milk, so should we hunger after fulfillment in God. That is through prayer worship and study.

One of the things I find so very important to communicate to you is what I somehow missed when I was saved; that along with my FREE eternal gift of salvation, I could have begun a journey of transformation or The Change...1Peter 1:13-15 NIV Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled, set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do.

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