Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Table Talk - Tuesdays Topic

Hello Friends...here it is our topic for this Tuesday's table talk.....tears. It's funny how I came to choose this topic. It's rainy here, and I used to tell my kids it was God's happy tears over how special His children are.

About mid-morning I was driving my kids to the dentist and I turned around to see what the kids were doing. As I turned I caught my 9 year old son with the sweetest and most innocent smile. Those are few and far between (the sweet and innocent part,) so I told him how sweet his smile was. He told me about a night at Jam Camp when a song was playing and everyone was crying and really feeling Jesus. He said as he was thinking back on that moment he was tearing up, and that is when I spotted him so he smiled. He said sometimes when he is really thinking on Jesus, he gets tears. If you know my boy, you know he does not spend much time sharing such things. He mostly told me there was no zip line this time, and he did not like the messy relays. But, believing in God's timing we left him alone about it, and I was rewarded with the gift of that smile and tear. That was my boy's inner reflection of an experience at camp and with his Lord. Perhaps I will believe our rain today is God's happy tears as He and my boy had a special experience this morning.

Other tears are not so welcome. I know there is great pain and sadness around, and in us today. I can say to you with every ounce of my heart and soul, that God sees your tears, and He is so very near. You may not feel Him or may feel abandoned, but be encouraged in knowing that after the rain, there is light and rainbows. If your world is dark today and your tear is not a happy one, cling with every energy you have to the hope and faith in your Holy God; and I am joining you now in prayer for His unfailing love and comfort to overwhelm you. I pray that your next tear will be a happy tear...one of reflection and a special experience with the God of us all, your Lord and Precious Savior

Please forward me your thoughts on happy or sad tears, and keep those topics coming for our Tuesday Talks. Love to you all, Mary

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