Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Well, Father's Day weekend was great. We did blindfold dear daddy until we got past the interstate signs, and said he could take it off. He removed it right in front of a giant billboard that totally gave away our destination! Too funny. He was really excited, and we had a blast with my parents. He helped my Daddy move out of his home office, and enjoyed "the Mimi's" great cooking.

We came home, as always, more loaded that we left as she cleared away and gave away. I told my own Father I was so tickled to come stay in his house, eat out of his refrigerator, let him take care of my kids and buy us brunch. Don't forget I packed the car full of their personal belongings. We joked that I just had to keep him ever mindful that he is a Dad, haha.

Finally, as if that weren't enough, their friend sent my daughter and me some clothes to go through; and their wonderful neighbor had set out some plants for me to take. I told them it will one day come a time, when the neighbors will see us coming, and they will lock the doors and pull the blinds!

I do hope the weekend was terrific for all. And, please remember that no matter what your relationship with your dad; you have a Heavenly Father who loves you, and would do anything for you....actually, He did.

Blessings for now, M

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