Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesday Time with the Kids

Hey friends, we have had the best day. I am not tickled about the state of the house, or the fact that I almost forgot to put the wet towels in the dryer; but I spent some time with the kids, and we are all better for it.

We did not do fantastic things. We took a trip to sign up for summer reading at the library; then off to the park to have lunch with daddy, and let the kids play. It seems I am always saying ssshhhh, or wait until I get this finished, or go do your chores. The world is not better for that. However, my world, and theirs, is a lot better when I remind myself to stop being "busy" to really get into them.

My almost nine year old boy was thrilled to pull off some sort of hanging swinging jumping thing, and really wanted me to watch. My first thought was... wait until I go through the mail. But something made me stop, and look, and not take my eyes off of him. He was so excited to see me when he finished for the thumbs up and my joy. Guess what? The mail was right there waiting when he finished...it did not go anywhere!!!

A little while later, I saw my daughter swinging; she was the only person on the swings. Although, I was reading something important, something stopped me. I walked my happy self right over to her and started swinging beside her. Before long we were in a contest for who could go highest. I don't really know who won, and don't care. I am positive my swing was squeaking louder (which is one contest I would have preferred not to win.) Before I realized it, we were there two hours. I typically tell them play; and as I finish any work I might have with me, I hurry them up to go. We must get caught up at home. You won't believe this, but the house was right here waiting when we got home. The dishes and laundrey did not go anywhere. My kids are happy, hot and asking for showers! I am refreshed and will probably get more done now, than I would have in the first place. I sometimes realize if I stop and spend some "real" time with them, they manage better when I am busy later. If I am always being busy (doing who knows what,) they are antsy to have some mom time. In these cases, they will interrupt me a thousand times; and it takes me much longer to get anything accomplished.

The bottom line for me, is that the work and busy things will be there for the rest of my life!! But, you know what? My kids will only be kids for a minute; and before long they will be have their very own busy lives. I want today, to work on being a better mom instead of so busy with stuff. That will be my prayer...thanks for my Tuesday time with the kids, and please help me to not be so busy, that I miss special moments of greatness with them.

See you soon...M

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