Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Well, Father's Day weekend was great. We did blindfold dear daddy until we got past the interstate signs, and said he could take it off. He removed it right in front of a giant billboard that totally gave away our destination! Too funny. He was really excited, and we had a blast with my parents. He helped my Daddy move out of his home office, and enjoyed "the Mimi's" great cooking.

We came home, as always, more loaded that we left as she cleared away and gave away. I told my own Father I was so tickled to come stay in his house, eat out of his refrigerator, let him take care of my kids and buy us brunch. Don't forget I packed the car full of their personal belongings. We joked that I just had to keep him ever mindful that he is a Dad, haha.

Finally, as if that weren't enough, their friend sent my daughter and me some clothes to go through; and their wonderful neighbor had set out some plants for me to take. I told them it will one day come a time, when the neighbors will see us coming, and they will lock the doors and pull the blinds!

I do hope the weekend was terrific for all. And, please remember that no matter what your relationship with your dad; you have a Heavenly Father who loves you, and would do anything for you....actually, He did.

Blessings for now, M

Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday Fun

Hey everyone! You wouldn't believe what we are doing today. The kids and I have somehow managed to keep this secret from their Daddy! We are cleaning up now, and packing to surprise him, with a weekend trip, for Father's Day. The fun (or funny) part is we are going to visit my parents for the trip. Now, I ask you, what man would not want to spend his Father's day with his in-laws? It has to be the sweetest thing we could do...right?

My parents laughed because it's unusual for a man to think a surprise trip, to visit his wife's parents, would be delightful. I promise you though, my husband adores my parents, and loves my father like his own. It is a special feeling, that I do not take lightly, to have my husband love my parents like he does; and you might not believe it, but he will honestly be thrilled when he finds out where we are going. Don't tell my parents, but I think he will be thrilled if I take him anywhere, to get away right now.

Now to pull of the surprise. With 10, 9 and 5 year old children, this is monumental. They are about to explode, and have done everything but him a picture of the house. Now that he has returned to work from lunch, we are busy packing and will have to load the car ourselves. We plan on telling him we want to take him on an evening picnic and have the car loaded. The kids want to blindfold him until we get past any freeway signs, to keep him guessing. I can't wait to see how it goes, and will be sure to post you when we get home. I will also try to give you my personal thoughts about my own father then.

Meanwhile, please send your father's day plans, thoughts about your own dads and the dads of your children. We do not all have "dreamy" tales about fatherhood; then others of us have miracles to tell. The important thing now is to share as we all approach this day together. I can't wait to hear from everyone!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesday Time with the Kids

Hey friends, we have had the best day. I am not tickled about the state of the house, or the fact that I almost forgot to put the wet towels in the dryer; but I spent some time with the kids, and we are all better for it.

We did not do fantastic things. We took a trip to sign up for summer reading at the library; then off to the park to have lunch with daddy, and let the kids play. It seems I am always saying ssshhhh, or wait until I get this finished, or go do your chores. The world is not better for that. However, my world, and theirs, is a lot better when I remind myself to stop being "busy" to really get into them.

My almost nine year old boy was thrilled to pull off some sort of hanging swinging jumping thing, and really wanted me to watch. My first thought was... wait until I go through the mail. But something made me stop, and look, and not take my eyes off of him. He was so excited to see me when he finished for the thumbs up and my joy. Guess what? The mail was right there waiting when he finished...it did not go anywhere!!!

A little while later, I saw my daughter swinging; she was the only person on the swings. Although, I was reading something important, something stopped me. I walked my happy self right over to her and started swinging beside her. Before long we were in a contest for who could go highest. I don't really know who won, and don't care. I am positive my swing was squeaking louder (which is one contest I would have preferred not to win.) Before I realized it, we were there two hours. I typically tell them play; and as I finish any work I might have with me, I hurry them up to go. We must get caught up at home. You won't believe this, but the house was right here waiting when we got home. The dishes and laundrey did not go anywhere. My kids are happy, hot and asking for showers! I am refreshed and will probably get more done now, than I would have in the first place. I sometimes realize if I stop and spend some "real" time with them, they manage better when I am busy later. If I am always being busy (doing who knows what,) they are antsy to have some mom time. In these cases, they will interrupt me a thousand times; and it takes me much longer to get anything accomplished.

The bottom line for me, is that the work and busy things will be there for the rest of my life!! But, you know what? My kids will only be kids for a minute; and before long they will be have their very own busy lives. I want today, to work on being a better mom instead of so busy with stuff. That will be my prayer...thanks for my Tuesday time with the kids, and please help me to not be so busy, that I miss special moments of greatness with them.

See you soon...M

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tuesday's Trials

I cannot believe the stress I have had today. I wonder if it is self-inflicted, or a certain enemy of mine. We have questions right now, regarding our house repairs (due to Good friday storms,) neighbor concerns over what we thought were random acts of kindness - gone terribly wrong, financial nightmare....and now questions about my decisions to take early summer leave, from work. The really good news is that we had a recent sermon from church, A Pentecost message: http://www.christchurchnashville.org/ to hold us up. All relevant to Romans chapter 5 verses 1,2 and 5. Where's 3 and 4 you say? we are in it. We may not all be in it all of the time; but we are certainly all of us in it some of the time; and we forget it is just growing pains, and we can count it all joy. Oh how hard that is. I refer to this in a recent book I've written, in a chapter called Growing Pains. My point is Salvation is a beautiful thing; but life is not always beautiful. We are guaranteed to struggle some. Sometimes those struggles are simply reaping what we have sown ourselves; and others are those struggles that seem to come from out of nowhere. But, dear friends, there is not one thing that God Almighty does not allow to come your way. He knows you and your strength,;and honors us all with challenges, He alone knows we will be able to handle. For that reason alone, I can count it all joy. I do not love having troubles, or being stressed out around my kids. But my Lord occupied my kids, with little projects, while I was at my weakest moment this morning; and for that I am truly blessed. Now, if I can just think before I yell at them, for dropping the WHOLE toilet paper roll in the potty, we'll all be good right? Perhaps Mommy should have put it where it belonged in the first place hhmmmm???? Talk to you soon.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tween Time on Tuesday

It is Tuesday and the second full day of camp for my almost 9 and 10 year old kids. My mind is so scrambled full of thoughts on them. Letting them grow up yet, realizing what it means when mothers say they'll always be our babies. I know, better than I have ever known anything, that I was supposed to be this wife and mama.
Oh, my Dear Heavenly Father, how deeply honored I am that you chose me to care for these children of yours. I am so thankful you waited until I was spiritually prepared to be a parent, so that I would understand how very important it was to dedicate them right back to you. Just as we are called to tithe the first of the riches you give us, so must our first parental decision, concerning our child's future, be to give him back to you. Thank you for filling their lives so wonderfully!!
Meanwhile, childhood is fading and teen years will approach for my oldest two. And, while they are away this week, I know this is part of that first dedication when they were newborns. If I don't let the leadership of our own church participate in the spiritual future of my children, how in the world can I let them grow and learn. My job as their mom is to nurture and protect and give them every tool they need that God has for them. How dare I not let them practice and learn in such a nurturing environment. If I give them a bike, they practice with a helmet in a safe controlled area; then we venture out in larger more exciting (dangerous) areas. Church camp (Jambilee) to me, is that protected area for my tweens to begin a process. A process of being themselves, away from mom and dad, and still guided my men and women of God (forget the apron strings for I even hesitate to cut the cord!) However, where they are today, they are still being fed; and I am comforted in knowing they have their helmets. For we have taught them the armor of God. Let them spread their wings and feel their independence a little. This will be their time to know they will always be alright with Jesus in their hearts. Since birth, the cord has changed ,and they have been growing now, upon their Holy Father's beautiful vine. It is my duty and priviledge to allow God to do His work in them. I have to now know when to step aside and let Him move in them and through them.

I realize more each year that, with or without mama, they will know fullness of Joy; as long as they have the Lord in their hearts.

I touched on this last year when my daughter went away for the first time. Now my daughter and oldest son are gone; and I have to say again, the experience for them, impacts me very deeply. I feel at the very core of my soul, the spiritual significance of them having worship experiences away from church or home. They can explore new things and experience God and his magnificence, in a way that will be their very own. All of their spirituality is based on what their daddy and I have insisted on. However, I seriously doubt we can dictate how intimate and beautiful their relationship with God will be. I thank and praise the Almighty Lord for this understanding; and I pray, that each year, they will grow more deeply upon their Father's vine as they separate from mine...but - they will always be my babies!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Good Morning Monday

Good Morning our LORD! I know you in heaven, and I feel you deeply in my heart. I pray today for Your world; that Your Will is done, and Your purpose filled within. I am excited to be with You in Heaven; but for now I pray to let Your light shine, through me, to all.

I am giving you this day, my every thought and deed. Whether today is a good day or a bad day, it will only be right if I commit it to You. Please take care of everything and everyone for me; for, as much as I often try, I cannot do it myself.

Help me Father, to forgive people when I feel wronged. I know you forgive me every minute as I stumble through each day. Please help me to be as merciful!! I make mistakes all day long, and am tempted in all areas of my spiritual weaknesses. Keep these temptations at bay, far far away; so I can be a good girl today. Lord Yours is the only world, the only Heaven, the only power and glory of all. Thank YOU, Thank YOU, Thank YOU, amen.