Monday, December 13, 2010


My darling friends, I am posting this letter that was written by my Daddy. My parents have the most wonderful friends and neighbors. They are also very involved with their neighborhood association. Daddy recently wrote this letter, which was included in the association's newsletter. Each time I read the letter, I become emotional. I can see the tears in my precious father's eyes, as he passionately shares his heart. My daddy loves his friends and family; he loves his country and he deeply loves our God. Without God, there would be no country. Without God, there would be no Christmas, no Christ and no cross. Thank you God for creating us all, and for giving us your SON our savior. Thank you Daddy, for loving God and for keeping that love in your family. You could have given me no greater gift.

A Soldier's Story

We Honor an American Tradition


My family and I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our Neighbors, Family and Friends a MERRY CHRISTMAS. It seems that we have reverted to using this time of year to make sure we are POLITICALLY CORRECT, instead of following our hearts in honoring the One who made this all possible.

Each of us serves something or someone in our lives. At the young age of seventeen, I decided it was time to serve my country by joining the Army. At the time there was a draft. All men at age 18 were required to enroll or we could volunteer, which I did. Some countries require that all people serve.

I have never been ashamed of the fact that I served, and am proud of the fact that I was blessed to serve; and returned home as many others did not. I thank God for their service and sacrifice everyday. At the age of eighteen I was in Korea. At times we were deployed across the DMZ line from North Korean solders, who did not have the same opportunities that I did. Their lives were much different living under a communist government. They were not allowed to worship God as we are here.

In 1965 I was sent to Vietnam, where again we were fighting against communism. There I was assigned to work with and fight alongside south Vietnamese soldiers. I learned a lot from them and will never forget their sacrifice either. They taught me a lot. They never told me not to pray
nor who to pray to. When I was wounded they wanted the only pain killer to be given to me, even though many were more seriously wounded than I. I refused and made sure they received it. They asked a lot about our country and we shared many things. One of these was the fact that in the USA one could worship whomever they wanted or not worship at all.

Many American soldiers have fought for this right through many wars, and are still doing so today. I PRAY for these brave men and women each day. I was privileged to meet the father, of a young soldier from Cave Springs who was killed overseas; last year when he gave me an estimate to perform some work on my roof. He saw my license plate (Purple Heart,) and he began to tell me about his son. We hugged and shared a few tears together as I am now, writing this. I told him we would pray for him and his family.

I think back now to that young man, who gave his all for his country, and how proud his dad was of him. Those parents gave their son to serve, so that we can attend the church we desire each week, or not. That is each person's choice and not political. We gather together to share a meal this time of year, and whether we call it Christmas dinner or a holiday meal should not be a political issue either. I am glad that I live in, and fought for a country that allows me to call these dinners whatever I choose.

Our Savior also gave His all; as did his Father, who gave His only Son for us. If this is what we believe, and I do; why then should we not be proud of Him and show our pride during this time of year? My household is not afraid to specify that the one we serve was born on Christmas; and we will proudly celebrate this Christmas Day.


Bill and Carlee Wilson

Saturday, December 4, 2010

I'm Expecting...!

So excited to tell you the wonderful news!! I know many of you are aware of how much I love my babies. To me they are all so very special; but, there is one who is with me now that I have to share with you.

Our very own Christ Church Choir will participate in their annual Christmas event. I hesitate to say concert, production or show. This year, I believe, will be more of a worship experience for the choir. I believe the invitations are not tickets to a show, but a spot in a house of legitimate worship...and I am expecting something bigger than I am able to verbalize. I am unsure why I think this year is so different, but I tell you I am expecting one to be there that will surpass our comprehension. I expect greatness; I am expecting miracles; I am expecting a move of the Holy Spirit that will shake us all to the very core of our bodies. You all will get to see, hear and feel his very presence as we worship together. We will be celebrating this sweet boy's birth. More than that, we will usher Him into our time together....better still, I personally believe, his time with us this weekend; will be an experience that shakes us all into a new season of revitalized fervency in our worship and servant hood with the body of Christ.

I thank, so very much, our wonderful choir and the faithful members who serve. I am thankful that they are serving under the lead of brothers and sisters, who desire to serve and worship the God of all - our Holy Savior.

I am thankful for my Savior and the God who gave him to me. I am thankful for the church family who desires to serve in a way that ushers the Holy Spirit right into our midst. I am thankful to be expecting.....expecting a miracle....expecting a move of the Spirit that will forever change what we think when we prepare for a "Christmas with Christ Church Choir".

Be blessed my sweet friends and have a very happy and holy Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Lean on Me

Today, our Governor held a press conference. He reported on the devastation many Tennessee counties have experienced, from this weekend's flooding. He announce that, via telephone call, the President declared our area a federal disaster area. The Governor prefaced this announcement with his delight in the citizens of our state. He referred to a recent conversation with the representatives of the Red Cross, who said they have had a smaller turnout for assistance than they anticipated. He said apparently, not as much was needed; because the neighbors and churches are taking care of those impacted by our devastating floods. I seldom see changes in our Governor's expressions or tones. He seems to me a pretty "even" person, except now. He is genuinely moved by our community, and the way everyone is helping his brother, sister, friend and neighbor. Two things came to mind, sayings of my Daddy's when I was growing up and Bill Withers' Lean on Me.

Don't you just love it when your parent's sayings come back to haunt you? I think it is sooo funny when I refer to things my Daddy used to say; or when I say the very things my mother said. My daddy used to say "the Good Lord helps those who help themselves." He tried to raise us as independent and self sufficient productive members of society. I am so thankful for, and reminded of, Daddy's words during our area crisis this week . We are taking care of ourselves and each other. Hundreds have checked on each other, carried strangers, offered food, water and their homes. A request for a refrigerator was posted mid morning on facebook; and by afternoon, it was received. People who may have had differences or even arguments, are moving hand in hand to offer strength to others.

As we watched in horror as the floods took over our city, I heard and read of so many people criticizing the President and media, for their lack of attention to our desperate situation. Hellooooo does any one know we are under water?????? I felt that way too. Something like an "almost" car bomber person and something else were headlines; and the floods, were only on local news and weather channel? I have to admit, I was looking more outside and at our local news, to know or care what was on the national news - is that selfish? However, when we take care of our own needs and the needs of each other; the need for Government assistance and insurance declines. Also, in this disaster, we will believe that instead of an "every man for himself" mentality; we will protect and take care of one another.

Ephesians 4:28 is a sequence of events, moving our focus toward an end result.
That result: Christians sharing what they have, with those in need. We, in the Volunteer State, shall be interdependent; loving each other and taking care of the needs of others. I am deeply moved.

Though my heart aches terribly for every person suffering. My prayer is for us to continue helping those in need. I pray the national media sees an area taking care of itself (because of the selfless generosity of its citizens.) I pray God Almighty turns this tragedy into triumph, when we can shout "JEHOVAH JIREH OUR MIRACULOUS PROVIDER" "HOW WE PRAISE YOU AND GIVE YOU THANKS FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE, AND WILL CONTINUE DOING IN OUR LIVES NOW AND FOREVER AND EVER!!" I pray the lost soul who has suffered loss, will see Jesus in us; and claims Him as his personal Savior, and the one and only true Savior for all.

Lean on me, when you're not strong. I'll be your friend; I'll help you carry on.....

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Prayer is Rising

So I am going to just start writing. I do not have anything formal or clever. This is once of those times that I am so full of emotion, and I am feeling the power of something beyond myself, working in me.

I cannot express the feeling of connection I feel with my community, my church and friends today. Our area is completely flooded. I have never seen water like this in my life. I have seen it rain for a month straight before; and not as much water as we have seen accumulate in the last 24 hours. We are watching people abandon their cars We are seeing footage of folks stranded and later hearing of their drowning. We literally watched the water rise in our back yard. We see water over the windshields of cars in their driveways. Boats are on the secondary roads and ducks on the ball fields. We are contacting neighbors and friends to see if they are alright.

I am reminded that this month I am teaching a beautiful group of 5th grade girls about the end times. Wars and rumors of wars, floods and famine (talk about "visuals".) As we yell across the yard to check on a neighbor repairing his gutters, we realized how this will benefit construction business and car dealers. Then the opportunity to minister arose from one comment. It is so sad that some will benefit out of the trajedy of others. That started what is brewing inside of me. It is a time like this that we pull together and our differences are irrelevant. Do we fuss? Yes. Do bad things happen that frustrate us? Yes. I want every person who reads these words if you know me or not, I am deeply sorry if these storms and floods are hurting you. I wish for you every blessing and safety from the waters. Know that God has powers beyond anything we can comprehend. Does this feel horrible? Yes, but He can use this to His glory beyond anything we can understand. Romans 8:28 says ... all things can work together for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to his purpose.

Now, if your car is under water right now, if you have lost a loved one or if you are leaving your belongings behind as you wade through water to safety; you may struggle to see any good in this. Please know that as the the clouds move through tonight and the rays of sun touch your face tomorrow; this too shall pass and God is with you. He is here...cling to Him; hold on as tightly as you possibly can. HE will not be "uprooted." He will flood you with an overwhelming knowledge that He will provide. As we all pray together today, we pray for healing, and restoration to all those affected, and for renewed faith in God and his power. May you be blessed today and protected as we moved through the remaining hours of severe weather event.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Be still...

There will be no more words necessary. Close your eyes and realize the very truth in each word. Knees floor, arms out........

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The good life

Have you ever had carrot sticks for supper? Or listened through open windows at the sounds of spring? Have you ever fallen asleep on the floor in front of the fan, or had water right out of the hose?

I remember, when I was my daughter's age, my mom let me cut up carrots into sticks for supper. As I bought groceries this week, instead of the "baby carrots" my kids are used to; I got a normal bag of carrots (I had to actually look for it.) Something told me to give them some of me. In me is the actual effort my mom took for us to have carrots and celery at every meal. That got to be my job as I grew. When my kids saw the carrot sticks, in a jar at the supper table, they were thrilled! To them it was new and exciting. Simple but special.

Today, all of my windows are open and I woke up with birds everywhere. This afternoon, with the house quiet and the windows still open, I hear the children playing and talking. I hear a basketball; and the deap rumble of their daddy's voice, as he interracts with them during his time in the yard. The toys of choice are bicycles, yoyo's and basketballs. The drink is water and the sound is giggles. I hear the occasional voice of a neighbor stopping by, and voices calling "daddy, daddy." The only way to hear such music was to turn off radios, cellphones and tv's. So simple and special.

Last night, instead of the Xbox or Wii, the family walked through the neighborhood. As we walked, we saw the lawn sprinklers and we heard dogs barking, and neighbors mowing. Cars honked and neighbors waived. The sun set on our walk; and we all laughed when one of the boys tripped on his own feet, on one of the curbs. It was simple fun, but special to me.

What does any of this mean to anyone? Hopefully, not much. It does not take much to make a memory or have major fun. With all of the conveniences and indulgences we have in an ever-changing world, I am so delighted to know the simple pleasures mean so much to this family.

Happy Happy
Spring to everyone. I hope it is filled with blessings that overflow. I pray you will get to make beautiful memories, as you enjoy some simple and very special pleasures this year.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

So, today we celebrate Palm Sunday. I have always loved sharing this special day with my family. I love teaching about this part. The part where Jesus actually came into the city on the little donkey; while people shouted Hosanna Hosanna (save us now!) I taught on this in home school, we dramatize it at church and love to talk through it with young children when teaching pre-school. It is bittersweet. We are celebrating the beginning of Holy Week. However, I imagine, this would have been the beginning of a miserable week for the mother of our Christ. She had to let him go and do what God the Father set before Him. I go before my children and check on their schools and activities for them. I walk beside them as long as it is acceptable and appropriate and I walk behind to catch them if they fall. I wonder what she was thinking that wonderful night after everyone spent the day celebrating her son. My challenge to you is this: each day this week think very carefully on what might have been happening that day/night with our Lord. I pray we take very seriously the hours/moments that take us right to our very salvation...the crucifixion of the Lamb of God, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Prayer for today

As the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after thee; you alone are my heart's desire and I long to worship thee. You alone are my strength my shield, to you alone may my spirit yield. You alone are my heart's desire and I long to worship thee. Listen...

Monday, February 8, 2010

It's Monday - Let's Mend

Well later in the day, but a good time to cover our ideas for today. It's Monday, so let's make it good. Monday is always a good day for starting fresh. It's like getting a do-over every single week. Every Sunday I get big ideas for the newness of the upcoming week, and Monday is a good beginning to start fresh. Let's make Monday a day for mending. There are always buttons and bows that have fallen, throw pillows with split seams, hems that need to be taken in or let out. If we get these off our to do list, we can move on to NEW things rather than repairing the old.

(A thought: If the mending takes too much time and money, consider tossing things out. It may be cheaper and quicker to replace in some cases.)

Now on to Monday's Mend...there are other things in my life that need mending. Plenty around the house and in the closets. Plenty more outside, especially in preparation for Spring. All of our mending won't happen the first time we sit down. But we can carve out some time each week and gradually get caught up. While we are on the mend, do you have relationships that are strained or broken? Is your patience too short, are your rants too long? I could go on and on.

If you feel torn, if something in your home or life or heart is broken or ripped apart; let's move toward mending. How can we do that? Slowly and surely, with care and discipline; and loads of prayer. It will take thought and detail, and you will feel great relief for having completing just one thing. Once you've started your mend, post it in our comments below: let's see where everyone it...I have to repair two throw pillows and tighten the stitch on the relationship with my oldest son. I'm eager to get started. Love to all, Mare

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So it's Wednesday; how about we wash whites and wipe white areas in the hours (trim, baseboards etc) and windows. I'm late in the day with my post so let's see how far we get before we go to church...theres another idea! The window to our soul is it cloudy or smudged? Let's purify that as well. That is what I should concern myself with most!

Have a great day! Our church is reading the One Year Bible this year. We have a page on facebook called One Year Bible CyberCafe'. Stop by for the daily read and interesting conversation.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Taco Tuesday

Well, it's that time again; Taco Tuesday. This is becoming fun for our whole family..and friends. We are looking for fun taco/mexican meals on Tuesdays and having a fiesta through it all.
Tonight: Cheesy Enchilada Soup with Chips and Salsa - sounds perfect for cold temps and a chance of snow!

What are you having? Can't wait for your creative Taco Tuesday ideas.

Monday, January 18, 2010

One Year Bible Daily Readers

Please stop by One Year Bible Daily Readers Cyber Cafe on Facebook. We are currently reading through this bible and have daily reading assignments. We also use the notes to catch up, and the discussion board to post any questions or comments we have about our daily readings. It is a special time to possibly see scripture as we might not have seen it before. Already before completing our first month, I've read things regarding the animals on Noah's Ark I had never noticed before.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Taco Tuesday

Our oldest son has declared Tuesdays in 2010, Taco Tuesdays. I will try to have some fun with this, but want your help. Let's all think of ways to mix it up on Tuesdays (fish tacos, taco soup, taco salad etc.) If something looks fabulous, we can encourage the poster to send a recipe.

Tonight we are having Tostadas, chips w/cheese dips and salsa, corn on the cob and salad. I always enjoy watching all members of the family create their own combinations with the available ingredients. Enjoy!