Monday, December 13, 2010


My darling friends, I am posting this letter that was written by my Daddy. My parents have the most wonderful friends and neighbors. They are also very involved with their neighborhood association. Daddy recently wrote this letter, which was included in the association's newsletter. Each time I read the letter, I become emotional. I can see the tears in my precious father's eyes, as he passionately shares his heart. My daddy loves his friends and family; he loves his country and he deeply loves our God. Without God, there would be no country. Without God, there would be no Christmas, no Christ and no cross. Thank you God for creating us all, and for giving us your SON our savior. Thank you Daddy, for loving God and for keeping that love in your family. You could have given me no greater gift.

A Soldier's Story

We Honor an American Tradition


My family and I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our Neighbors, Family and Friends a MERRY CHRISTMAS. It seems that we have reverted to using this time of year to make sure we are POLITICALLY CORRECT, instead of following our hearts in honoring the One who made this all possible.

Each of us serves something or someone in our lives. At the young age of seventeen, I decided it was time to serve my country by joining the Army. At the time there was a draft. All men at age 18 were required to enroll or we could volunteer, which I did. Some countries require that all people serve.

I have never been ashamed of the fact that I served, and am proud of the fact that I was blessed to serve; and returned home as many others did not. I thank God for their service and sacrifice everyday. At the age of eighteen I was in Korea. At times we were deployed across the DMZ line from North Korean solders, who did not have the same opportunities that I did. Their lives were much different living under a communist government. They were not allowed to worship God as we are here.

In 1965 I was sent to Vietnam, where again we were fighting against communism. There I was assigned to work with and fight alongside south Vietnamese soldiers. I learned a lot from them and will never forget their sacrifice either. They taught me a lot. They never told me not to pray
nor who to pray to. When I was wounded they wanted the only pain killer to be given to me, even though many were more seriously wounded than I. I refused and made sure they received it. They asked a lot about our country and we shared many things. One of these was the fact that in the USA one could worship whomever they wanted or not worship at all.

Many American soldiers have fought for this right through many wars, and are still doing so today. I PRAY for these brave men and women each day. I was privileged to meet the father, of a young soldier from Cave Springs who was killed overseas; last year when he gave me an estimate to perform some work on my roof. He saw my license plate (Purple Heart,) and he began to tell me about his son. We hugged and shared a few tears together as I am now, writing this. I told him we would pray for him and his family.

I think back now to that young man, who gave his all for his country, and how proud his dad was of him. Those parents gave their son to serve, so that we can attend the church we desire each week, or not. That is each person's choice and not political. We gather together to share a meal this time of year, and whether we call it Christmas dinner or a holiday meal should not be a political issue either. I am glad that I live in, and fought for a country that allows me to call these dinners whatever I choose.

Our Savior also gave His all; as did his Father, who gave His only Son for us. If this is what we believe, and I do; why then should we not be proud of Him and show our pride during this time of year? My household is not afraid to specify that the one we serve was born on Christmas; and we will proudly celebrate this Christmas Day.


Bill and Carlee Wilson

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