Saturday, December 4, 2010

I'm Expecting...!

So excited to tell you the wonderful news!! I know many of you are aware of how much I love my babies. To me they are all so very special; but, there is one who is with me now that I have to share with you.

Our very own Christ Church Choir will participate in their annual Christmas event. I hesitate to say concert, production or show. This year, I believe, will be more of a worship experience for the choir. I believe the invitations are not tickets to a show, but a spot in a house of legitimate worship...and I am expecting something bigger than I am able to verbalize. I am unsure why I think this year is so different, but I tell you I am expecting one to be there that will surpass our comprehension. I expect greatness; I am expecting miracles; I am expecting a move of the Holy Spirit that will shake us all to the very core of our bodies. You all will get to see, hear and feel his very presence as we worship together. We will be celebrating this sweet boy's birth. More than that, we will usher Him into our time together....better still, I personally believe, his time with us this weekend; will be an experience that shakes us all into a new season of revitalized fervency in our worship and servant hood with the body of Christ.

I thank, so very much, our wonderful choir and the faithful members who serve. I am thankful that they are serving under the lead of brothers and sisters, who desire to serve and worship the God of all - our Holy Savior.

I am thankful for my Savior and the God who gave him to me. I am thankful for the church family who desires to serve in a way that ushers the Holy Spirit right into our midst. I am thankful to be expecting.....expecting a miracle....expecting a move of the Spirit that will forever change what we think when we prepare for a "Christmas with Christ Church Choir".

Be blessed my sweet friends and have a very happy and holy Merry Christmas.

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