Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Lean on Me

Today, our Governor held a press conference. He reported on the devastation many Tennessee counties have experienced, from this weekend's flooding. He announce that, via telephone call, the President declared our area a federal disaster area. The Governor prefaced this announcement with his delight in the citizens of our state. He referred to a recent conversation with the representatives of the Red Cross, who said they have had a smaller turnout for assistance than they anticipated. He said apparently, not as much was needed; because the neighbors and churches are taking care of those impacted by our devastating floods. I seldom see changes in our Governor's expressions or tones. He seems to me a pretty "even" person, except now. He is genuinely moved by our community, and the way everyone is helping his brother, sister, friend and neighbor. Two things came to mind, sayings of my Daddy's when I was growing up and Bill Withers' Lean on Me.

Don't you just love it when your parent's sayings come back to haunt you? I think it is sooo funny when I refer to things my Daddy used to say; or when I say the very things my mother said. My daddy used to say "the Good Lord helps those who help themselves." He tried to raise us as independent and self sufficient productive members of society. I am so thankful for, and reminded of, Daddy's words during our area crisis this week . We are taking care of ourselves and each other. Hundreds have checked on each other, carried strangers, offered food, water and their homes. A request for a refrigerator was posted mid morning on facebook; and by afternoon, it was received. People who may have had differences or even arguments, are moving hand in hand to offer strength to others.

As we watched in horror as the floods took over our city, I heard and read of so many people criticizing the President and media, for their lack of attention to our desperate situation. Hellooooo does any one know we are under water?????? I felt that way too. Something like an "almost" car bomber person and something else were headlines; and the floods, were only on local news and weather channel? I have to admit, I was looking more outside and at our local news, to know or care what was on the national news - is that selfish? However, when we take care of our own needs and the needs of each other; the need for Government assistance and insurance declines. Also, in this disaster, we will believe that instead of an "every man for himself" mentality; we will protect and take care of one another.

Ephesians 4:28 is a sequence of events, moving our focus toward an end result.
That result: Christians sharing what they have, with those in need. We, in the Volunteer State, shall be interdependent; loving each other and taking care of the needs of others. I am deeply moved.

Though my heart aches terribly for every person suffering. My prayer is for us to continue helping those in need. I pray the national media sees an area taking care of itself (because of the selfless generosity of its citizens.) I pray God Almighty turns this tragedy into triumph, when we can shout "JEHOVAH JIREH OUR MIRACULOUS PROVIDER" "HOW WE PRAISE YOU AND GIVE YOU THANKS FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE, AND WILL CONTINUE DOING IN OUR LIVES NOW AND FOREVER AND EVER!!" I pray the lost soul who has suffered loss, will see Jesus in us; and claims Him as his personal Savior, and the one and only true Savior for all.

Lean on me, when you're not strong. I'll be your friend; I'll help you carry on.....

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