Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Things that go BUMP!

I know several of you heard about my adventure yesterday morning, so I decided to share it with the rest of you.  It is funny to everyone, including myself.  However, I saw as the day progressed, how Satan (the coy manipulator) can use fear to lure us into yet more tangled webs he weaves. 

Most of you know I drive a carpool in the mornings.  Yesterday, was off to a great start when I got everyone to school on time, and was back home by 7:45.   I opened the garage and started into the basement (we go into the house from below and go up the stairs to the main level.)  While I was downstairs, I thought I would tidy up; and started hearing familiar noises that spook me.  I am always a little freaked out about being down there alone, because I hear noises from the attic and hvac etc.  I always force myself to head on upstairs.  Of course, nothing is ever wrong.  But,  yesterday...the noises were different.  I tried to hear, then tried to make noise (for a reaction.)

Finally, I just headed my nervous hiney up the steps; I rounded the first landing and "CRASH" in the laundry room. 

Well, let me tell you, Sister was out the door, barefoot with keys and purse!  I jumped in the car and took off.  Where to go where to go!!  I pulled to the top of the driveway and stopped to see if the front door was opened or windows looked different...nothing.  I pulled down the street and turned to the circle that goes behind my house.  I'm hoping I can see the back of the house to look at the doors out back.  A friend lives back there, and she would be back any minute from taking her own children to school.  She'll let me peer through her back yard.  Oh WHY is this the one week my husband has to work an hour away?  That didn't stop me, oh no!  I called that man, and said how bad I need him.  I'm afraid someone might be in the house and he needs to come home to me noowww!! Naturally, he freaked out and told me to call the police he would never make it to me in time!


Back to the circle:  I finally get the nerve to call the police and tell dispatch I don't know for sure if anyone is in there or not; would they like me to go in, and if anything is wrong call them back??  Dispatcher said let them just send a car and someone can go in and check the house before I go back in.  So, I waited at the top of the driveway until the car came.  I called my husband and told him an officer was on his way, and shared with him about walking in on a robbery once and all those feelings came flooding back.  Meanwhile, a police car appears....and another....  I get out of the car barefoot, sweats, tshirt, ponytail and tears.  (oh, please please did I or didn't I brush my teeth???)

 The officers headed in the house and started checking it out.  While they are in there, a third car comes and this officer comes to me.  Now, I'm hysterical...something IS in there and he's coming for backup!!!  (Or, could it be, they saw the state of the house and the kids' rooms; and were as convinced as I, that something catastrophic has occurred??)  He goes in with the others.  I wait nervously outside as the three of them emerge.  "It looks all clear ma'am."    Oh my word, you mean it's alright??  Are the doors locked??  They go in with me, and I was actually impressed that they found all the doors to every room, closet, storage space etc.  They even said "a person could really get lost in here."  Okay, possible home invasion avoided..WHEW!

 I nervously settle into my morning (after I find out where to send the Nervous Nelly cookie platter.)  About five minutes later, the doorbell rings and a bang at the door.  Perhaps the officers need a report.  When I get to the door NO ONE...I'm freaking out again......!

My neighbor has returned home and messaged me...what was going on, her neighbor called her and saw some stuff.  I told her what was going on, and about the mysterious knock on the door.  She kindly offered to come sit with me - OR- should they call back the police; because a suspicious van was moving around the circle, and a lady staring around her house.  Perhaps that lady is waiting on whoever is messing with my house...

NO I told her...I was the suspect in the getaway car/van...I was getting away from here!!!  I was on the "lookout" for her to come home.  Unfortunately, I had no idea, another neighbor was rocking on her front porch the entire time and sees the whole show! She is the one who called my friend.  And finally, by mid afternoon, I find out the mysterious knock on the door was another concerned neighbor who had rushed over to check on me.  My husband is in hysterics now, and has entertained his entire team with my phone calls of insanity.  What started out as certain disaster has become a comedy sketch for everyone. 

Well, our God is not a God of fear is he?  Perhaps, if I had called on the name of the Lord, instead of man; all the nonsense of the day could have been avoided eh?  I also realized, all things can play into Satan's plans if we fall for the little bumps and noises.  Perhaps his tricks will lead to treats...I told my husband that night that I had been on edge all day and it would have been a good day to have a "drink" to settle me down....hmmm?  I'm seeing where this is going now.   I spent much of my day thinking about how horribly I was dressed and how messy the house was.  Yet, little did I know that not only was I under dressed and sloppy; I was not dressed in the armor and my behavior was foolish.  That could have led to problems far worse than a robbed house.  Satan was robbing my peace.  Thank goodness we can all have a good laugh now, and I am safe in the comfort of my own home, with caring neighbors and God's amazing hedge of protection on me.


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Why wait???

Well friends,

It's the beginning of the school year, and I have had rolling emotions of excitement, frustration, anxiety and relief (if you know me at all, you already knew that.)
I was excited to start shopping the "tax-free" weekend sales and got some decent deals.
Then, I was frustrated because two days after the "tax free" weekend was over, we received our full page detailed lists of supplies from the teachers. The two things I stocked up on, must have been forgotten by the teachers...right? I kept thinking, as today's shopping cart filled and the $$$ grew
, surely they knew who their students were Friday - right? Can't they please consider the $100's we are spending, and set up their list on their web pages; or mail the list to the kids...please please??? Later, I consider they may have been given priorities that did not allow them this luxury.
I became anxious, when I overheard my youngest child's teacher say this was her first teaching job. Wha?? I need...well, I want, but do you know...?? Later I think, she's fresh out of school with fresh enthusiasm. She may be the best thing we have known. We've had teachers over and over state their resumes during orientation, that they've taught for 20 years and been principals; and we felt the pain as they had absolutely no desire to answer to anyone, or put up with anything. Besides, every teacher my kids ever knew had a first teaching job; and someone was that teacher's student.
I was relieved after our first abbreviated day Wednesday, when all the kids were up with no fuss. I unloaded 4 kids (2 of them carpool friends) at one school, and did the paperwork for a 5Th child at another school. Not one child complained, and every single one of them was happy when I returned to get them later. This spelled relief for me. No one was nervous, discouraged or afraid. They all discussed who they had and shared their excitement and/or the stories they'd heard from past students.
This is when I decided to say my prayers for, and make my pledge to my children's teachers.
I pray Gods greatest blessing on you for dedicating your career, to educate our children. May He cover you during this year, and guide each lesson assembly and event. I pray a hedge of protection around the school, the classroom and our children. I pray protection over your families and  homes.
I pray for your co-workers and your office staff, that you all work together like a smooth machine...with grace and efficiency. I thank God for you and I thank you for your work. I thank God in advance for what He will do in my child's life through your instruction. I thank you in advance for the devotion you will commit to the kids and their futures. May your days be filled with fun and delight. May surprises and interruptions be accepted as opportunities, to see how God can be seen even in the glitter and the glue. His miracles are new each day.

I pledge to work with my child daily on homework, agendas and information.
I pledge to pray for you and your school and our community.
I pledge to volunteer whenever possible, and be a joyful servant when there.
I pledge to honor the work you do and be respectful when we discuss issues with the children.
I pledge to partner with you to encourage good behavior and good citizens.
I pledge to be consistent at home with our manners, respect and responsibilities.
I pledge to remind my child and myself to submit to authority respectfully
(as long as this does not compromise our spiritual walk in faith.)
I pledge that, even if and when we eventually disagree; we are not disagreeable about it...but decent.
Now, I thank you - why wait?? You will get letters at the end of the year about how fantastic it has been; and I know it will be. I say we declare that now, and tell you how very grateful we are that you are there; and we hope to give you every bit as much pleasure in doing your job, as you will certainly give us as our teachers. Meanwhile, rest rest- because they are on their way!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

The Change

The Next Step – Life after Salvation
Chapter Two


I've been going through the change for about 30 years now. If anything stands out to me about the previous chapter, it is that I wasn't really transformed (changed) all at once. I wasn't even changed all that much with each of my “life-changing” experiences. I never had one completely supernatural experience that caused my life to be immediately transformed and turned around. Was I really saved? I believe I was. Was I changed? Yes. Were those changes evident in my life? Not much, especially not all at once. My experience was different than yours, and your experience will be different from your brother's. I hope to be able to encourage you with this, because so many times I would hear testimony of someone who had this life altering experience that changed them in that instant. From that point on, that person was never the same. Since that was not my experience, I later questioned my legitimate salvation. That is a debate for believers all over the world; and one I choose not to approach now. Why?? I still want you to like me ha ha. People have argued this subject from decade to decade and faith to faith. Just believe in the Lord your God, Jesus Christ. Believe he died for your sins so that you may be joined with our Father in eternity. You will see how our salvation and the “change” that accompanies it will go together. The change won't be your salvation, but evidence you truly want to serve the God who saved you.

Moving on...during those first years after my salvation, I was not really changing or all that concerned about it. I had not really studied the bible or ventured into too many ways of the world, or religion. My personal experiences with religion were limited to a couple of churches I went to as a child, and I was simply not mature or disciplined in the written or living word of God. My changes were gradual like I was growing. Two things stood out, however. First I only grew when I was worshiping, praying or studying the word of the LORD. That is why, for me, I didn't see great change. I wasn't committed to that which would cause me to grow spiritually. I dare say though, whether I was growing spiritually or not, from the point of my salvation I was definitely different. From that moment on, I was certainly aware of God! I was aware of His presence!! I could talk to Him and pray to Him and be confident in His salvation.

Because I was not spiritually mature, I ventured into the ways of the world as a young adult. That's alright – please! We are supposed to change with the times right? We are supposed to get along with everyone and not be judgmental or haters right? The “ways of the world” are all relevant (I've heard that one repeatedly!) Besides that it was fun not being so restricted, and just going along...easy breezy!! Hmmm....

Had I done what was necessary to grow and strengthen in the ways of the Lord, I dare say I might have been a much more respectable and productive adult member of society. When I became an adult, I was able to be on my own and take care of myself (though my parents might beg to differ HA!) Funny thing when we become adults; we think we can do and say and act as we please, then proclaim it as our right because...”I am an ADULT!” Guess what, you might reconsider, as I did much too late, that your lack of responsibility with those actions and words of yours; they may very well tell a much different story. Ever hear the phrase “actions speak louder than words?” Or, how about “your life is your testimony.”

Well, as much as I acted like I knew it all and could do it all, I could hardly be considered a grown-up at all!! When we are born in the flesh as tiny babies, we don't stay tiny. We grow and walk and talk and become more mature with every passing year of our human lives. Just as birth in the flesh, so must our born again lives grow. We have to study and hunger after the word of God and all of His truths, so we can go forth and tell the world the good news about Jesus. Isn't that what he told us to do? How can we go tell if we don't learn about what it is we are telling in the first place? As a baby hungers after his mother's milk, so should we hunger after fulfillment in God. That is only achieved through prayer, worship and study. Let me make this absolutely clear to all who read these words...I am in no way saying you can have salvation experience and continue back to your life as though nothing ever happened, and live the way you always lived, then make no attempt to serve the Lord and be consider yourself ready to be ushered into heaven. People have debated over and over again if you can “lose” your salvation if you keep on sinning and make no attempt to change your ways after your supposed salvation. I want to give these words for you to ponder. If you don't feel any different, and don't change your ways, did you really and truly give your heart to the Lord as you think you did? Were you really saved in the first place? Let's look at it this way. One of the most referred to passages in the bible on salvation is John 3:16 “for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life (NIV Student Bible.) Verses 17 and 18 refer again to the necessary belief to not be condemned. Verse 19, though is telling if we study it in its entirety with the chapter; and may put to rest the debate of once saved always saved...John 3:19 “This is the verdict Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.” Verse 20...”Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. Verse 22 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done, has been done through God. These words are scripture, not commentary or theology. If we do evil, we live in darkness and hate the light. If Jesus said I am the truth and the light, how can we believe in Jesus and his salvation, yet hate the light. I personally believe it a matter of the heart. I have always known I had a heart for the Lord and I always somehow knew HE was near – saving me from tragedy and waiting on me to acknowledge Him as my truest Love. He proved Himself over and over to me. And, as I slowly grew, I would see more and more of his power and love. It is just like that newborn's growth. That newborn does not see all of his father's love at once. But, as the child matures, his father's love is evident in every aspect of that precious child's life. In our physical bodies, God miraculously made us to naturally grow in stages, with milk – then solid food – and later with responsibility and privilege. As we are born again in the spirit, we are responsible to feed on the word of God so we will grow and mature into responsible Christians; who are the most privileged in the world with a Living Guide into the Kingdom of Heaven. Hebrews 5:13-14 “Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish God from evil.” NIV Student Bible. Had I been more diligent in studying God's word; Had I been more faithful in worship and a more submissive servant, I might not have grown up thinking I knew everything along with my “holy pass.” I also would have been more prepared for the ways of the world, and certainly better armed.. “Therefore, let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God.” Hebrews 6:1 NIV Student Bible.

Another way to see our need to change and grow in the ways of the Lord is to study the 12 disciples. After Jesus chose his disciples, he spent many years traveling with them and teaching with them; all the while training them as they went. Their jobs were to be disciples of Christ. To be a disciple is to be a learner and to be an imitator of your teacher. Jesus taught while performing miracles, and with parables as He traveled with his followers. He prepared his disciples for the day they would be without him. When Jesus was crucified and ascended into heaven, he left behind his disciples, or the apostles whom he empowered, to spread His good news and to minister with full authority and accountability to God. Those twelve, and all of us who believe, could never share the gospel of Christ if not prepared. That preparation takes a discipleship in learning and imitating Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Now, where do we start when we have discovered life as a Christian doesn't stop at the alter of salvation or even with our baptism? We start with the Handbook. When we get a new car or appliance, we pour over the handbook to understand our new item. We excitedly want to know every detail of our gadget; how does it work, what are the functions; how can we use it to its fullest potential. We often go over the handbook several times to understand the details, how to troubleshoot and how to manage the daily use and maintenance. Well, our God is so understanding of our need for instructions, that He gave us our very own Handbook so we might understand how He created us all and how He works and how we can co-exist with Him as his followers and servants. Something else I realized as I was so very slowly growing, was the more I studied my bible, the more I understood God's big picture; and the more I understood what He expects of me as his child. I also found that the more we seek Him through worship, prayer and study; the more He reveals Himself to us. He desires to have an intimate relationship with us. Picture a precious sweet smelling tiny newborn in your arms. As I held each of my newborn babies – Oh my goodness!!! I couldn't get enough of their smell or skin. I wanted to nuzzle them in my neck and face until I could hardly breath. The desire I had to touch and smell and protect my babies consumed me and it consumes me even today. Now, if we have that much of an overpowering desire and love for our own tiny children; how much more can you imagine our God's desire to love and care for us!! I want to be consumed completely with the things and desires of the LORD and my personal desire, through this book is that I will grow closer to Him; and I want very much for you to be alongside me during the journey. We can all take footsteps together. After all, YOU are my brother and YOU are my sister. We are all his children and he loves us all so deeply. I know he wants us to love each other. So, won't you please hold my hand as we, together, reach for His??

As God reveals himself to us through the written word in our Holy Bibles our handbook. He will very specifically give us our history, HIS story. He will give us His plan, and He will show us how to achieve that plan. As we read, we will understand more and begin the change. We will want to surround ourselves with His people and congregate together. To encourage each other and to empower each other. This does not mean we are to only associate ourselves with our “own kind” so to speak. But with each others prayers and encouragement and empowerment, we will have the strength to go out into the world and spread God's unconditional love with kindness and generosity to everyone we meet. I promise you that you will have bad days, and I promise you that you will reap what you have sown. But the good news is that the God of All created you and loves you and He will be there to support you and carry you along each journey. Our God will never ever forsake you because He is the one who created you and He is the one who desires you. Yes, He lets you experience pain, but with that pain comes growth and we know growing pains will give us renewed strength and better understanding each step of the way.

There is something that will happen during our change – we will see and understand things differently, such as the importance or prayer and fasting. Also, I am convinced you will have a completely different understanding on the the controversial issues that surround tithes and offerings. You will desire to do more than simply visit Sunday morning worship for some feel good energy; simply to return home and nap, only to prepare for the next grueling week ahead. You will desire to go on to Sunday school and get more in depth in your study of Gods word. You will begin looking for midweek bible studies to explore more and more in Gods beautiful kingdom and just how wonderfully he made you to be part of his immaculate plan. You will desire, as I do now, a transformation. You will want “the Change.”

There is a warning I delicately want to give you. Be careful how you choose your study partners and the version of your choice of God's written word. I only recently discovered that one of the bibles I personally read is not a translation of the written word, but an interpretation of it. Now, I am fortunate because this book is pretty much right on with other versions and translations I have. However Satan wants very much to seduce us and deceive us in any way he can and the more we seek God, the madder that silly devil gets. He will stop at nothing to confuse us and discourage us. He will lead us to commentaries and interpretations of the Bible and let us believe we are being guided by the Hand of God to a particular book, or place of study; just to throw confusion and misguided information our way. This will send us off of the path God intends for us. I hear your question even as you are thinking it (no I don't have some secret powers, but I've been there over and over. How do we tell we are getting the information God intends for us, if there is so much out there and how do we protect ourselves from false teachings? Let me assure you that you are not alone. The bible warns of false teachings so as we use our handbook for guidance, we understand to be careful. We have to seek God and His will for us through prayer and study. With prayer and study, and wise council, we will gain a personal spirit of discernment to know what teachings to follow and where to steer clear. Basically, if we are using the written word of God through one of the many translations out there we can be sure we are studying His word, and will be in His will.. Make sure your teachers and council use the word of God as their textbook. Of course other books of inspiration are wonderful testimony to the experiences and guides to life as a Christian, otherwise I would be wasting my time writing to you now. But always always stand firm on the Holy written word of God Almighty as your foundation. If other tings you read and hear stem from that foundation, you will be uplifted. If on the other hand, those teachings and readings seem to contradict God's word in the Holy Bible, then you might rethink your steps and seek out some wise council on what you are hearing and reading. 2Timothy 3:16-17 NIV All scripture is god-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of god may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

I think I will just take this one step further. Be careful what you read and watch and hear. Regardless of its message, it is going into your body, mind and soul. Remember the saying you are what you eat? Well you can become what you are filling your mind with – the things you read see and hear. Our children have a wonderful song that so very simply says be careful little minds what you think, be careful little ears what you hear, be careful little eyes what you see, be careful little mouths what you say, be careful little feet where you go you are what o be careful little hands what you do, for the father up above, is looking down with love so be careful, be careful, be careful!!!!

Now, let's get on with the Change! With change you basically expect several new feelings. Some will be wonderful revelations of hope and joy and will be encouragement in your walk with Christ. Some feelings will be confusion with experiences and those things you are familiar with those experiences you hang onto and those habits you have developed over a period of time. The Change will not happen over night. Don't expect to be transformed immediately Remember you have to go through the handbook to reveal even what newness of life you are encountering. Remember it is a new birth and you will have to grow in your Christianity as you grew in the flesh. You will experience some growing pains and some falls, and even possibly some fallback into your old ways. Do not be discouraged. Simply keep on keeping on and surround yourself with God's people who have already gone through the change because they will help you see that you are not the only person in the history of the world having difficulty with your change.

Have you ever heard of the salvation beads? I did a devotion with my daughter earlier this year. Our Sunday class was serving at the Room at the Inn and we did the devotion with the beads./ Each person received a bracelet with the colors of salvation and one of the colors was green. Do you wonder what that means? Green reminds us of growing grass and leaves on trees. When we see green we think of growing things. After salvation, we can grow as Christians. We are born again. When we were born in the flesh we were tiny babies, but we did not stay tiny at all. We grew to walk and talk and become mature with each passing year of our human lives. Just as birth in the flesh, so much our born again lives grow. We have to study and hunger after the word of God and all of His truths, so we can go forth and tell the world the good news about Jesus Christ. Isn't that what he told us to do? How can we go tell, if we don't learn about what it is we are telling in the first place? As a baby hungers after his mother's milk, so should we hunger after fulfillment in God. That is through prayer worship and study.

One of the things I find so very important to communicate to you is what I somehow missed when I was saved; that along with my FREE eternal gift of salvation, I could have begun a journey of transformation or The Change...1Peter 1:13-15 NIV Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled, set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Patience and Steadfast Faith

Though our circumstances change from day to day, hour to hour and minute by minute; our God is the same. His mercy is the same and his power is beyond our human belief. He is always a God of miracles and answered prayer.

Isaiah 40:7-8
The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the Lord blows on them. Surely the people are grass. The grass withers and the flowers fall but the word of our God stands forever.

The prayers that have gone forth on behalf of each child, mother, family and employee is heard. God understands exactly what we want and will impart His exact will in our lives. Even if we don't know what to pray, he knows what to do. Now, the hardest part, is to rest patiently in Him. This strengthens us as individuals and in our partnership. We delight in seeing God at work, actually answering our prayers and seeing how He is exacting our lives.

Romans 8:24-27
For in this hope we were saved. but hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.

We thank you, Heavenly Father, for your miracles. We praise you for your majestic power and for your knowledge of us before we were born. We are grateful to know every child conceived has been planned for before conception. You wrote that script and we delight in your consideration and detail for us - even to every hair on our heads, and every home we will visit. You already knew where we would go and for how long. We receive this and we rebuke any confusion or deceit with which the enemy interferes. We rebuke him in our birth mothers lives as they move toward healing and restoration in your mercies. We rebuke him in our adoptive families as they groan and agonize their desires and longings. We rebuke him in trying to throw so much confusion in the way of your leaders and saints, that we might not trust in your complete and absolute perfect plans. Though we proceed with caution in our daily lives and works, we boldly claim your power and authority over us all, and thank you for what is coming next!! In the mighty name of our savior Christ Jesus, Amen

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Window, Mirror, Tree and Me

Awake at 4:00am;  and four images: a window, a mirror, a tree and my reflection – all in different combinations - are racing through my mind.  I was trying to come up with a title for my blog post, and these were the images and words I kept seeing. Looking in a mirror and seeing a tree stayed  throughout my racing thoughts.   I also saw an image of myself looking through a window and looking into a mirror – side by side panels.  My mind continued to wander; and, I have never been more okay with a wandering mind. I have also never been more okay with the mirror (thankfully this mirror is inward.)
I tried next to mentally recapture the events of the last few days.  Have you ever had one of those experiences that was so exhilarating you would repeatedly try to relive each delicious word and moment in your mind? 

It's too late to go back to sleep and too early to get up. My husband needs every second of sleep he can get. There is a sleeping child on the floor near our bed. And my mind is just "roller coasting" over the last few days, then months and finally years. I realized I had been on a journey. Evidently I was growing upon my father's vine, but not before He had me more deeply rooted. So, I journeyed to a tree. Being a southern girl, it is not uncommon to drive along side beautiful lush trees with vines and vegetation growing right along or upon them. My means of transportation is the vine, and my route appears to be somewhat rough. There are broken branches, splinters and bark that interferes with a smooth travel. Let's be real, it is rough and painful. The splinters prick and the bark scrapes, as the vine moves onward and upward. Part of the way up, there is a change in the layout of the branches; and I have to hold on tightly as the vine rolls and coils and reroutes itself to remain connected.   As I continue my dream, daydream, fantastical imagining, I am swooning as the gentle breath of the wind reminds me the tree can sway.  Still it is rooted and not falling, even though I fall along the way.  I dust off and climb...cling even tighter to that vine.

Why all the racing thoughts? I've had one of those “moments;” that moment when you have encountered an unquestionable message from the Lord!  I don't know why we always say “I think, it was God, I'm trying to discern that now.”   I say that all the time and pray for God to confirm. Then I have one of these experiences, that I believe without doubt is the Lord above speaking directly to me. It is all-powerfull, will stop you in your tracks and render you awestruck!  It was the beginning of four recent gifts.
My first gift came when I was talking with a friend Thursday.   I thank God for her as a vessel through which God moves, and His love flows.  She listens without judging; and welcomes you, with all your nonsense, into her world as a friend.   I was discussing with her some concerns I had over recent days.  I am concerned about how our children are influenced; and how we can protect them from, or possibly control, their surroundings/influences.  How are we supposed to maintain enough control so our kids get all God has for them in their worship, at school and in the world?  We've actually had this conversation, in bits and pieces, off and on for several months.  However, this one the most intense as I ranted and she listened.   At points, she protected the innocent; other times she would say “that's true.”   I would share my love for a friend and she would just almost sing about her love for that same friend. This is where we would share a common love...then I took us right back to my deep heartfelt concern for our family, our spirituality, our church, our community and nation – what God wants for us...How in the world will our children have a chance with all they are exposed How HOW????

"That's where you come in, Mary"
Sweetest firmest voice, spoken with grace and total authority. I knew who it was, and what it meant immediately - Whoa Nellie...
Okay STOP – Hold the phone!! Are you kidding me? I tell my friend stop, I just heard God speak, I'm freaking out. Has that ever happened to you? We are talking along, ranting along and in mid-sentence – those words “That's where you come in Mary.”   Then I got total insight. He gave me his children to raise/train up. We dedicated them back to Him. How dare I place the rise or fall of their future onto the world, or community, schools- or- church.   He sent them to my husband and me. It is our job, as their parents, to guide them as all the influences come and go. We nurture our babies and train them up, to understand the word of the Lord as a Lamp unto their feet and a light unto their paths. We pray a hedge of protection over them and around our family.   When influences seem negative, that's where I come help the children pray, read and seek the face of the living God to discern his purpose for them. To pray His will be done in their lives. This gives them strength as individuals and as children of God.

Well I hung up from my friend and began pacing, praising God, and trying to figure out how to apologize to my friend for having to be on the receiving end of my tirade. She has no idea how deep the impact her meek and merciful spirit has on me. It's so funny to imagine me wrestling with the Holy Spirit, but try to picture me saying we are to see that Gods commands are kept, what if we are leading our children astray. And she is saying love the innocent and forgive the sinners....and I am saying, I am not judging the sinners and I do love the innocent, but we must hold ourselves accountable to God for our roles as parents, leaders, friends and church family . How can we trust that our children won't get led astray?? Finally God steps in and says HELLLOO DON'T YOU GET IT. THAT IS YOUR JOB NOT ANYONE ELSE'S!! ALL THE TIME YOU ARE SPENDING ON THIS CONVERSATION IS FUTILE. He continues – in my mind-to inform me that he tried to get my attention with the wise and humble words of his good and faithful servant, but I was so busy making my point, I missed the only point that mattered.   If I spend my time arguing or ranting about what is right or wrong or how deeply devoted I am to the Godly upbringing of my children; I am losing time with them – duh! Therefore, by default, they are left unattended and influenced by the world, their community, friends. They will remember me as Mama who loved us so much. She should have been a lawyer – no one could ever win against her. My son once said, mom you should be a lawyer or judge.  You can get to the truth and know exactly what is going on all the time. Well, I thought that was funny at the time. But, now not so much. He knows I'm good at watching, speculating and cross-examining. This takes me to Sunday morning – yep, another gift.

Gift two. It's time to get up on Sunday for church. Soooo sleepy, then I remembered that our Pastor Emeritus would be speaking at a sister church near our home today. “Honey, we can sleep in,” I said. “We are going to hear Pastor this afternoon.” Well, that was all he needed, and he turned his happy self over to go right back to sleep.   The children had wandered into our room, and were piled on the floor around our bed (yes we let them, and yes we have pillows and blankets to make it comfortable just in case.) Now, if we were going to get up any other Sunday, those kids would be unconscious that we would have to hoist them into upright positions. But not this Sunday, oh nooo...   we told them no noise and lay quiet while we all rest in. Do you honestly think for a moment that worked?   They whispered, and tried not to giggle. I tried to be tough and keep them under my orderly control. HaHaHa. The harder I was on them, the harder they tried to contain themselves; the worse it was until it became too much for any of us - and the laughter erupted!  One son was under my tickle monster attack by the window, and the other was captured by the long muscular limb (branch,) I like to call my husband's arm. Our daughter had run out...she knew what was coming. Even typing now, I am smiling, as I relive every moment and every snicker. My cheeks ache. Finally, my husband decided to make pancakes; and we got got up to make plans for our morning.  We should have plenty of time before our afternoon church service. I check my phone messages.  A buddy of Lonnie's had messaged that he needs some help after church – which would be the time of our afternoon service. I shared the message and he said with a laugh "well, I guess we aren't going."  We had put our whole day on the chance to worship in the afternoon as if that were the only chance...then we realized– those crazy kids- got up at 6:15!!! We have plenty of time to get ready and be there for Sunday school and the second service. Satan told Lonnie what about the pancakes, you have the burner on and the batter mixed – that will go to waste. We'll have them for Supper! Well, there you go!! Kids get ready and lets go to morning church! And, off we all scurried to get ourselves shined up for the Son:)

The morning is almost too easy.  It is mind-blowing to have an entire family up before 7 am., laughing and working together, and going back and forth between early church, afternoon church, no early church - and no one flustered!  This feels good and I think it is a gift. “This is where you come in, Mary” The joy of the home is dependent on me. The flow and ease, in times of confusion and transition, is based upon my temperature (temper?) When my husband emerged from his morning shower, I shared, word I received from God. I shared with him that the world is not my concern. Yes, we have rules and I understand that. Yes, our God is a God of details and order (I'll have more on this in a bit,) but at this time in my life, as a wife and mother, I can't get so lost in the details that I miss the point.  That I miss a very special message.   I shared with my husband the freedom I feel in realizing Gods message.  God's word is perfect; and I am entrusted with his children to study it, and to hide these jewels in our hearts. It is my job to tell the good news...not to worry about whether they are getting it right or not.  A Pastor mentioned recently their relationship with God and the Holy Spirit is between them.  Once we've made the introductions, He can take it from there.  I get that we have to be accountable to each other. But I submit an idea to you that if I am focusing every minute (figurative, not literal) on if we are, and how we are accountable to each other, – what will my own account be to God? Sometimes we just get a little too preoccupied with the business of church that we cannot be the "Church."  The same  applies to my children. My babies need me to love them every second of the day. Well of course, I do!! But do they know this and feel this and see this in my face?? I want to spend my time on the kids and my husband; and together with them, celebrate Jesus. I can't do that if I am on the phone or in a meeting trying to figure out if we are steadfast, running away with the world or just folding under all the pressure.  I was delighted on Sunday morning to be telling him, I think we should back off our concerns, and focus on God alone and our personal relationship with him.  At that very moment I saw a splinter and some bark. What? The splinter and plank thing?? Oh no no no!! I am not judging – NO! We just want the very best for our family, our children our friends...we are trying to discern what is right and how we are to serve. Enter - the next gift in my experience; or event, as it has become by now.

Gift 3 - I don't have words to express the magnitude of Glory and worship experienced in that service when we got there; and were so joyful in our worship.  We knew beyond doubt that God had orchestrated our entire morning...because he had more – from my Thursday experience – to come.

The worship was so powerful that it spilled into the sermon. During prayer and praise;  while singing, families friends and hurting aching hearts flocked to the alter to lay prostrate before the Glory of God... some to plead for healing, others perhaps for release. I think our family was celebrating a freedom.  Due to the presence of the Holy Spirit and our absolute corporate desire to bask in that Glory, the sermon was brief and -  guess one of the points was??  God stepping in to to take over when we don't seem to be getting the message. Remember my phone call? I was not hearing the message, so he had to finally take control and say "Get this young lady (yes I said young,) it is not another person's  job to raise your children, or  to ensure they are living a God fearing holy sanctified life. I sent these kids to you.   Moreover, I sent my child to you, my only child. I let my child die for you so that you could live, and your children could live.  Now this is where you come in Mary!  Share this abundant love with your children, guide them, lead them to the cross, love them through mistakes and forgive them over and over again like you are forgiven.  Show, through your life, that I wants to forgive sins and mistakes. I want your lives to be so transformed that you don't make the same mistakes over and over again. But,  I love you regardless!"

I remember when we were riding home, my husband and I both agreed that was total confirmation of the word I received Thursday and conviction I felt . Don't be fooled by the the surface shine -  all this happy happy spiritual beauty doesn't last without interruption. Before we got out of the building, I was scolding one child for his behavior in a class and by the time we were home I was barking at another child for not listening in the car. Then, just as I was about to howl, I got a reflection of myself only an hour ago – arms lifted high tears streaming down my face. I am genuinely loving and praising God and basking in his Glorious presence – all the while, this same child is clinging lovingly to my hand with both of his - almost as if he was assisting me in my brokenness. He doesn't entirely know the depths of that visitation, but he sees his mother singing crying and he holds me. What did I give my child in return? Judgment.

The final gift on this first leg of my journey was about midpoint Monday afternoon. I asked a precious long distance friend to pray for me, while I try to figure out how to share my transparency with you. Things kept happening to delay my work; then I saw a blog by a Pastor friend, about a tree – yep – what do you think about that. You can read his blog at HTTP://

I am happy I waited because his words are significant. Every tree moves and some trees fall, but the beauty that comes out when we are pressed, carved and cleaned up is unique and brilliant.

 I am thankful I serve a God who forgives, and finds beauty in the fallen; even in my splinters, and planks, and broken branches. But I shall study and pray even harder and set these roots even deeper until I can continue growing closer to our Lord. Perhaps, in every mistake/fall, I shall see the absolute divine Glory of the Lord, from whom magnificence is formed. I pray that I will, one day, cast and shadow this beauty upon my friends and family...a beauty  out from within, that shines even on a cloudy day.
Now, I am back to the four images this morning; the mirror, the tree, a window and me.  As I've written, I see a large mirror and I'm looking at myself.  The left side is the window pane .  The tree is in the background; and it's majestic branches spread out in both the window and the mirror.

This post was written a few years ago.  I've remembered it often in recent weeks, and hope it blesses someone. 


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Bagman Cometh. Or See-eth.

A quick trip to the grocery comes with a dilemma. Makeup? No makeup? Hat? No hat? I care about what I wear, but not always. Sometimes I take the real me, unphotoshopped, as I sneak around the aisles. If I spot someone I know, I pretend to be glued to the buy-one-get-one free chicken broth just to go unnoticed.
Today I just wanted to get in and out of the store, short and sweet. I didn’t feel like small talk but you can’t escape it there. The people in green are just so stinkin’ friendly.
The very second I walked to where the baskets were waiting, I was greeted by the kindest man ever. Jacob. Older than my father but younger than my grandfather so I don’t know to classify him. Every time he sees me, without fail, he loudly calls to me, “Ahh, my favorite customer is here. Kim! How are ya today, Kim?” Emphasizing my name each and every time. Cheeks turn red; I should have worn the hat.
A couple years ago, Jacob got me confused with someone else and called me by the wrong name. This sparked our friendship. He reminds me of this every other time I see him, and he often recounts the entire story to whichever cashier is within earshot. I play along and laugh at the appropriate time, wishing he would work a little faster. Impatient Man is behind me. Jacob hugs me hello, hugs me good-bye, and I don’t even know his last name.
He sees me at my best, like right after I’ve had lunch with a friend and stop in for some milk. And my worst, like the time I felt the need to personally question the gentleman in the parking lot who flipped me off because I got his parking space. That’s another story he likes to tell. (The time he was dressed up as Santa and walked up to me and said, “How are you today, Kim?” still has my kids rattled.)
This time, between bagging eggs and Cheetos, he pays me a compliment. “Jacob, you are too kind but I think you need to get your glasses adjusted. I look terrible and you know it.” We laugh, he insists, I contradict. I know the guy behind me hears, even though he now pretends to read the cover of Cooking Light. And I know he thinks a little cover-up would have done wonders.
As Jacob takes my groceries to the car, we take our time. This is when we catch up on the kids, his work schedule, and the price of groceries. His breathes like the 70-something-year-old-man he is and I wonder how I would ever know if something happened to him. He packs up my car, hugs my neck, and says he’ll be looking for me on my next trip. I secretly vow to make myself more presentable next time.
As I back out of the parking lot, I look in the rear view mirror and try to see who he was talking about.
Why is it so difficult to see ourselves as the bag-man does? Beneath the dirt and beyond the phony. Past the impatience, beneath the mask, and beyond the organic bananas, to the core. Past who we used to be, to who we have become. Every time we see ourselves as not-entirely-forgiven, or not-exactly-beautiful, or not-as-good as-our-neighbor, we undo everything that was accomplished on the cross.
We were made to walk in grace, to rest in mercy, and sometimes it takes people like the bag-man to gently remind us of that. God sees us bare and undone and loves us in spite of ourselves. Why can’t we do the same?
I think we could learn a lot from the bag-man.
1 Peter 3:4 Cultivate inner beauty, the gentle, gracious kind that God delights in. (The Message)

Friday, February 3, 2012

I've Learned...

I got permission from my high school friend to share this.  I think you will appreciate the complete and transparent heart that wrote such though provoking words.
As I’ve grown up, I’ve learned several things. Life is full of disappointments and people you trusted will sooner or later let you down. I’ve learned that often those you love will love someone else and there’s only one way to fall – fast and hard. I’ve learned that out of thousands of smiles, it takes one to touch your heart. I’ve found that words can be deceiving but the always lies in ...a person’s eyes. I’ve learned that everything can change in the blink of an eye and tears often come without invitation. I’ve learned crying can make us stronger and there’s never too much love to go around. I’ve learned that prejudice helps no one and that weapons don’t hurt people, people hurt people. I’ve learned sticks and stones may leave cuts and bruises but harsh words leave scars. I’ve found that every time you give someone a piece of your heart, it’s a piece that you’ll never get back. I’ve learned the past is meant to be put behind us and we can’t dwell on regrets, for what’s done is done. I’ve learned that trusting yourself is the first step and that forgiving is remembering that helps your own heart more than theirs. I’ve found that family isn’t always blood and everyone is someone’s hero. I’ve learned that life is unexpected and God can do anything. I’ve learned that some things aren’t meant to be understood and that only time heals. I’ve found that imagination is our greatest gift and that we’re meant to dream for a reason. I’ve learned it’s never too late to fall in love and that being beautiful is all on the inside. Mistakes are our best teachers and everything happens for a reason. Only then can you live life to its full and true potential.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Next Step – Life after Salvation


I think I was in the sixth grade when I accepted Jesus as my personal savior. We were living with my Mother in a little town in East Tennessee. During this same time our Mother started taking us to a church in town, and my twin brother and I became very involved with the youth group and choir.  In fact, we had our first mission trip with them that summer.

It's funny I don't remember the details about the trip, like where the money came from to sponsor us, but I do remember that we had to have white pants and different colored rugby shirts, and reversible skirts that were made for us (you guess the decade haha.) It was on this trip, that I began feeling a change; I was going through the change at 12 – except I was feeling it in my heart. My emotions were all over the place and I think this might have been the beginning, not of the change of life; but, of a life change. Although I wasn't necessarily getting it, I was beginning to take my salvation and spirituality a little more seriously. When I returned home from that mission trip, I wanted a closer relationship with Jesus. I decided to make my belief and commitment public, so I was baptized. Please keep in mind that getting baptized does not get us into heaven. It is merely a public profession of our faith – and an instruction from our Holy Bible.

"whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned." Mark 16:16 NIV.

Now even though I was saved and baptized, I still was so very far from where I should have been spiritually. Even worse is I didn't even know that at the time. Looking back, I was not really changing all at once. I was one who apparently thought baptism was the beginning of many re-dedications of my life to Christ. I was very very wrong!

When we have a really emotional or "feel good" experience, we are ON TOP OF THE WORLD!!!.......until that feel-good fades away.. Then we are pretty much back to normal, until the next feel good experience; and we enthusiastically re-dedicate again. This cycle was repeating itself for me, because I was not growing. I was born again, but I was not doing anything to nourish the spirit, or to grow in the Lord. Frankly, I didn't know that was a step, or that my new life should be a process of nourishment and growth – an actual transforming life.

In my mid-teens, I had another one of those "experiences." At this point, we lived with our father in another Tennessee town, and going to a new church. We again, were deeply involved in the choir and youth program. Our youth group was on one of several bible camps and mission trips. Again, the details surrounding the experience are fuzzy. About halfway through the trip, we were having our evening devotion and prayer time. At some point in the evening, we were all standing in a prayer circle holding hands. As we prayed, I began to cry – not too odd since there were many tears in our circle...except my tears came with noises, uncontrollable noises. Then I was wailing! Something was happening to me far beyond my control and after some time, I realized my outbursts had interrupted the entire circle of prayer. Somehow, I did not have enough self control at that moment to be concerned about it.  Later, as I began regaining some of my senses, some of the kids asked me what was wrong. Other kids were laughing about it, and then there some who were more than a little freaked out about what had happened to me. I did not know how to handle their curiosities; I did not understand it myself. But once again I was feeling a little more serious about my life as a Christian, and knew deep in my soul I was a child of God; no matter how spiritually mature I was or how faithfully I served Him! I left that wailing- noise experience behind on the trip, never to be discussed again; until 20 years later, when I learned about being filled with the Holy Spirit – hmmm......WOW!!

That is pretty much the sum of my life, as a young Christian trying to find my way in this life. I did not know what to do with my gift of eternal life after I received it. Actually, I did not know there was anything to do after we got saved; I didn't even bother to remember very well the experiences. But thanks to a loving and merciful God, that did not lessen the reality that I am saved by Jesus Christ; and have invited Him to dwell in me until I am called home to rejoice in glory forever!

I received the free gift of salvation and the Holy Spirit; yet I foolishly did nothing with those gifts. We all get gifts throughout our lives that are wonderful; if we know what to do with them, or how to use them. However, if we never use our gifts after we receive them, they just sit useless and unknown. Did you ever get a toy or a tool you did not use? It sat around "somewhere" collecting dust. If you forget your gift, you might very well end up like me; and forget the very situation in which you received your gift in the first place.  Did you even tell anyone about your gift? On the other hand the more you use your tool or toy, the more you understand it. The more knowledge you have about how it works, what you can do with it; and chances are, you've shared with others, just how much you love your new gift.. Well, my dear friends, the gift of salvation is the most precious gift you can ever receive. Please, please do not let it sit as I did. Use it to its very fullest, and share it with as many people as possible. And the most exciting part about this gift comes with a HANDBOOK!

One of the most important lessons I ever learned in my life (although I am certainly not through learning yet,) is that I do not know Everything about Anything!! This was such a valuable epiphany to me and life changing. No matter how honed my organizational skills or common sense, there would always be so much more to learn. The same holds true in our salvation. Thankfully, and I caution you, our Salvation does not make us any better than any other person on this earth. It does not give me superiority in the lives of others around me, saved or unsaved. What it did, and does give me, is the complete assurance that I would spend eternity with the most complete true love of my life in Heaven. His name? Jesus Christ, my personal savior!

With all this being said, I did not fully understand the utter simplicity of this acceptance and eternity before. And I certainly did not grasp that there was so much more to my role, as a member in the family of God, than just being "saved."  

Now, here's the kicker: Yes, we must believe in God the Father Almighty, and in Jesus Christ His only Son; and we must believe God sent His only son Jesus into this world as a tiny baby to grow up and be crucified to take the burden of our sins away and free us from the punishment of those sins. We have to believe that when Jesus died, He took all of our sins away and freed us to spend eternity with Him in Heaven.  
We must also know that nothing - not one thing - will get us into Heaven with our Lord and savior except THAT belief and accpetance of Jesus as our Savior! 

Then comes... professing our faith and making our commitment public.
Galatians's 3:27 NIV
"for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ"

Our baptism is our public profession of faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. It is the symbolic washing away of our sins and being re-born, or born again, spotless; thanks to the sacrifices of Jesus Christ. Now go tell, go tell, go tell and GO TELLLLL!!!! We have to tell everyone of the good news that Jesus came, and died for our sins to set us free and give us the FREE GIFT of eternal life in HEAVEN.

Isaiah 52:7 (New International Version) How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!"

Oh please, let us not be selfish with such a wonderful message!! You see, we are very blessed. Our God not only asked us to love and serve Him and His people, but he even gave us a handbook (our precious Bible.) We are never ever alone in our journey with the LORD. If we will only use the handbook as our guide, we will not only discover how great and intimate His love truly WAS, IS and WILL ALWAYS BE; but we will easily find direction, for spiritual growth, through His Word. He wants us to grow and to share His love with everyone so that His kingdom will be filled with His children. However, the kingdom cannot be filled with those who do not believe in his death, burial and resurrection. Moreover, the unbelievers cannot believe if they have never seen, heard or been told of His divine salvation story. They will only know these things, if WE the believers tell them of the Good News!

"How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? Any how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach ;unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" Romans 10:14:15 NIV

Lets take The Next Step in Life after Salvation together -