Thursday, November 10, 2016

Costa Rica 2016 - Our First Mission Advenuture

Well, the last time we communicated was before the big Costa Rica mission trip; as we were working to earn, and receiving your generous offerings toward our trip.  We tried to get thank you cards to each and every one of you, but are sure we missed some.  So, to start, we are deeply appreciative of every single prayer, offering and word spoken over our June, 2016 mission trip to Costa Rica.  We went in a group of 25 to serve with The Abraham Project.  The orphanage and school there is just so exciting to see.  Children are either orphaned, or have been removed from dangerous situations.  The work we did while there was to help clear the land for a new building phase and host a VBS for those sweet little kids.   We want to share with you what your gift of sending us meant to us, and to our spiritual growth this year.

The most significant miracle and God encounter might have happened before we even boarded a plane.  This trip was not cheap; and our family sent two teenagers.  Hannah was the first to express a deep desire to go.  Her heart felt a tugging and she confided in mom that she knows she will be working with children in her future just as she has most of her teenage life.  She continued to believe if God truly is calling her, he will absolutely provide the way.  She accepted every babysitting job and they both worked every event to which they were invited.  When they wrote a letter to friends and family, countless cousins, grandparents, friends and accuaintances stepped in to provide and to pray.  However, it did not come fast or easy.  The week before our 1st financial deadline the kids only had $25.00 between the two of them.  This did not bother them in the least.  Mom told the kids we could help, but they must also look at a very real possibility that the monies won't all come.  They said with their 12.50 each.  It's fine, Mama.  We know God's got this.  If we are meant to go, the money will come.  If it doesn't, then this was not our time - but it's in God's hands.  With their feet out over Jordan the flight money came in three days through paychecks and donations.  $2400!!!

What a beautiful testimony of not only God's provision, but the faithfulness of his saints.  They have had leaders pour into them from birth and the fruit is ripening each day.  For Hannah, this was an Aha moment.  She could not stop laughing as she expressed how she believed and he really really did provide.  Her relationship with our LORD was somehow changed the day she learned the money came.  Her gratitude to those sending her would never be enough; and her knowledge of Jehovah Jireh had never been greater.  This was a turning point in her living for God; and, walking with God.  For parents, little else will be more special than that.  The kids still had to raise another 1400 for the trip expenses, but this seemed insignificant because of their knowledge that it would come.  And the week before they left, they had donors from all over sending in until they had nearly 1,000 OVER their trip cost which hopefully fulfilled those last bits the other travelers were lacking to pave the way.

As our family saw God call our kids and provide for our kids, we realized they were totally in His care.  We had not one worry while they were gone.  The children were so darling and grateful for every little song and craft they did.  Jacob said it was great being with the kids; and the way they interacted with the teens was confirmation that this trip and their servanthood was making an impact.  Prayer was a major theme for the week and for Jacob this was powerful.  They were worshipping together at the beginning of the week and he had a prayer; but fear held him back.  This became a burden to him, so when they were in a prayer group Jake asked for prayer to release him from this fear.  He got help and prayer from his friends, and later went to his youth Pastor J.D. to ask for prayer over this burden.  "The next few days, I was more open to pray and I tried not to let my fear stop me from humbling myself before God and just opening up to Him.  I've learned it doesn't matter if your prayer is pleasant to other people's ears, it is pleasant to God and He hears you and will bless you."

So, for the impact God made through us we are eternally thankful; and, for the impact this had on our lives we can never thank you enough.  We understand more than ever the meaning of "God Bless you as you give."

You can follow the kids at Elevate Student Ministry of Christ Church Nashville.
To learn more about the Abraham Project you can follow them here:  they also have a Facebook page.