Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year

Hey Friends!!

Many of us may be considering how to navigate the NEW YEAR. I am sort of over resolutions at the drop of the ball. Midnight on the last day of the year, is no longer a defining moment for me, (other than the celebration to have "made it" through another year with my family.) In saying this, I mean we are still healthy alive and in love. I mean I have had another year to extend my love to my parents, brothers, and relatives. I especially loved this New Year's Eve, hanging out with my husband and kids. In unseasonably warm weather, as we prepared to usher in 2011, I watched my babies ride bikes and roller blade. My youngest held his daddy's hand to show DAD how to skate. We colored, played games, snacked and watched movies. We all watched the infamous "Ball" drop. It meant to us, the first time we all stayed awake until midnight!!! It meant more opportunity to love each other and our God. It meant more time with those we know are suffering, terminally ill or less fortunate than ourselves.

Meanwhile, we have what so many others do not; another year to resolve to get fit, to spend less, eat healthier, love better and be debt free. Of course I want all of those things!! More than that, I want my husband to know how deeply I love him. I want the kids to know I delight in how they are thriving. I want my life to be a testimony to the GOD I serve.

I do love you, my friends. I hope to be writing more; I am thinking about sharing some of the "multiple personalities" my husband and kids have to live with. I am funny, serious, maternal, and passionate. I love God my family and friends. I have education, profession and experience.

I often tease my husband about about who he wants to speak with, when he calls, 'cause he never knows who he will get...Mama, wife, consumer etc. Sometimes by lunch, I am furious because of the events of the morning. Other times, I cannot stand one more minute until I am in his protective and loving arms at the end of the day. I can't wait to share some of these different aspects of my life with you (you never know who you will get, haha.) I will spend many of my days visiting and interacting with you; other times I will throw in a chapter, or two, of my book THE NEXT STEP, Life after Salvation. Whenever you see this title, I hope to get loads of feedback. For now, enjoy the remainder of this Christmas and New Year season, and prepare for a very blessed 2011!

Love y'all much!!
